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The bullet was 1.5 inches.

Lodged in Jeno's stomach. He fell to the ground, grabbing the wound as he collapsed to his knees.

"No! Jeno.. I cant lose you too..... Please." Jaemin cried, falling down beside the older and grabbing his hand. He moved Jeno's upper torso into his lap and ran his shakey hand through the boys raven colored hair. He had known Jeno since as long as he could remember, and now the same boy was dying before Jaemin could redeem himself.

"Jeno please. I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. I was so dumb, and-"

"Shh.. Its okay Jaem. Y-you're her now aren't you?" Jeno smiled weakly and let himself relax in Jaemin's lap. He was happy. He had killed Chanyeol.
He had won the war.

"Jaemin, y-you must live. Y-you need t-to tell me how th-the world is after this..." Jaemin smiled sadly as he cried. "I did it.. I hope he can a-see me from up there." Jeno shuttered as the effort and energy each word took grew.

"I'm really gonna miss you Jen.."

Jeno smiled.

"I'll miss you too sunshine.." Jeno breathed, his voice barely audible. Jaemin buried his face into Jeno's chest and cried as he listened to the slowing of the olders heart.

"Tell Renjun I'm sorry okay?" Jaemin said.

But it was too late.

It was over.

The war was won.

Jaemin looked to the sky.

He had lost everyone he loved.

So in the end..

Could you ever
call this



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