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A comfortable silence fell over the boys as they hungrily devoured the food that Taehyung had made.

To Jeno, it made him realize just how much he missed his mama's cooking.

To Renjun, it made him realize what being in a family should be like.

Taehyung was busily making another batch of rice for the boy's to take back, while Suga worked on the dishes and helped Jimin clean up the small apartment. Meanwhile RM watched the boy's eat, wanting to stay nearby in case they needed something.

And soon enough, Renjun's curiosity got the best of him, and so he did need something.

"Hey.. RM.... Can I ask how you guy's know Haechan?" RM smiled a bit with a distant look in his eyes.

"Well.. After Taeyong brought him back, we were hesitant to take him in, knowing that EXO could be trying to trick us.. But after Jin insisted that Haechan was just a child who needed our help, we took him in. We all welcomed him like our own child.... Especially Jin, J-hope, and Jungkook....."

And just like that, there was silence.

Suga stopped washing the dishes.

Jimin stopped picking up the laundry.

The only sound was the crackle of the fried rice as it cooked.

Renjun could feel the tension in the air, but he needed answers.

"Who's Jin, Jungkook, and J-hope?" He asked innocently. Those words seemed to break the men from there trance, each shaking there head or blinking a few times before returning to what they were originally doing. RM took a deep breath.

"They were our family.. Our brothers...." RM held back his tears as he continued, sniffing a bit. "They died trying to fight EXO... Fucking bastards......." He said, teeth clenched and voice breaking a bit.

"On that day, we told them to stay here. Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Taeil... They needed to stay to take care of Haechan in case.. In case we all died."

"So we went off to fight them. They were stronger then us though and our attack was poorly planned. Of fucking course it didn't work... Those ass holes don't know the meaning of empathy."
"They... They killed them..." RM said, clearly pained from the memories he was bringing back. "J-hope, Jungkook, Jin.. All just, gone." He whispered the last bit, his voice breaking once more.

"So then we had to step down," Jimin joined in, clearly crying as well. "too worried that we would lose more, we told Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, and Taeil that we were done. We gave up. But of course, Taeyong wouldn't take 'no' as an answer."

"'After all that training, you're just gonna give up?'" Suga said with a bitter laigh. "That's what Taeyong had told us. He said he was sorry but he couldn't give up that easily. So, we let them fight without us."

"Slowly they gained in numbers," Taehyung recalled. "gathering more broken people who wanted to fight. It was actually qiet amazing how quickly Neo Tech grew.."

"Every once in a while, one of them would drop by for advice, but it's been forever since we saw little Haechanie here!" RM said, having finnaly regained himself. He ruffled Haechan's hair a bit and smiled lightly.

Renjun smiled softly. They had all been through so much, yet they made it through everything because they had eachother. He looked fondly at Jeno beside him and reached for Jeno's hand under the table, taking it with a small smile at the younger. Jeno just sat there, chewing his food silently with a smile of his own.

Renjun quickly looked to his other side when he heard a small sniff and noticed Jisung beside him crying. The younger quickly stood up and excused himself, bowing and thanking the men for the food, before walking out the door. Silence fell once again in the room.

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