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Jaemin breathed in heavily as he layed against the wall, catching his breath. Beside him was Lay, another one of EXO's members, his hands gently pressed against Jaemin's burns to relieve the pain and heal them. Chanyeol walked nervously in front of him, scoffing a bit and looking down.

"You failed.. Again. Jaemin if you can't kill one person then what good are you to us?" Suho, one of the more commanding members spoke up.
"Well so far he has been qiet useful when it comes to how to attack Neo Tech.. He knows alot and is a good prisoner. Especially if Neo Tech assumes he's dead..." Chanyeol rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I guess but still."

"Chanyeol, just give me one more chance." Jaemin pleaded.

"You're still not strong enough.."

"Then I'll become stronger! Please.. I can't go back to them... Not after what happened to Chenle.."

It was true he missed his brother. Of course he would. All through his life they only had eachother.

And now he was gone.

"Let him stay Chanyeol." They all turned to the corner where Baekhyun was leaning against a wall. He walked over and put a gentle hand on the tall mans shoulder. "Maybe he can do better then me." He said, sarcasm dripping from every word like venom. He began to walk away and Chanyeol frowned.

"If it makes you upset then he can stay." He said with a smirk. Baekhyun scoffed and kept walking.

"See if I care!" He said, before exiting the alley.

Jeno met everyone's terrified looks as he explained the fight he had with Jaemin in the fire.

"He had us trapped! What else was I supposed to do! I sure as hell wasn't just gonna let us die! And we don't even know if.. Jaemin is... Dead.." He said. When he spoke the last word it was a bit more hushed then the rest, coming out as barely more then a whisper. He felt a sharp pain in his chest at the thought.

The thought that he might of killed Jaemin.

His bestfriend since birth.

His first love.

Tears stung in his eyes as he imagined Jaemin's screams and the way they echoed around the warehouse as he burned in the flames that enveloped the place they had thought was safe. He turned away and wiped his eyes so no one could see the tears. When he turned back, he was receiving mixed reactions. Some were dissapointed and disgusted, others scared, and a couple sympathetic.

"It doesn't matter. You are still apart of Neo Tech." When he looked up to see the owner of the voice, he was met with the encouraging, sympathetic look of someone as they walked forward.


Jeno blinked.

"When did you get here?"

"I called him through my in-ear after we escaped the fire.." Kun explained. Jeno looked briefly at Kun before looking back to Taeyong. He looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." Taeyong looked at everyone else around him.

"It sounds to me as if you had good reason. So, even if you did kill him, you had only good intentions. I will tell all of you this right now." He said, raising his voice. "No matter the circumstances, your life is always more valuable then any member of EXO. So please, do everything and anything to keep yourselves alive." Everyone nodded and there was a moment of silence before Renjun spoke up, voice devoid of all emotion.

"Now what." He looked at everyone exept Jeno, who painfully noticed this.

"Now, we go to a new base."

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