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Taeyong looked around at the group of men watching him expectantly.

"So, what now?" Ten asked with his arms crossed. Johnny beside him nodded, also wanting to know the answer.

"Now, we go to the church." Many of them nodded there approval but Renjun, Jisung, Mark, and Jeno looked confused. Taeyong noticed a strange look in Renjun's eyes but shrugged it off.

"We will all be in one place though.." Yangyang said, expressing his concern. "It's dangerous. I'm not normally one to question my leaders orders but if we're all in one place then all it takes is them finding the church and we're done for.."

"Do you have a better idea?" Taeil spoke up. "We could all try to cram back at hub but thats no better and roaming the streets trying to find a new place isn't safe either. So Yangyang if you know of somewhere better we can go please tell me." There was a moment of silence as everyone racked their brain for information.

"Why don't we.. ask..." Everyone turned to Jisung as the boy trailed off. They all knew who he wanted to ask. Without a word Kun moved over to Jisung and began whispering something to the boy before they walked off to talk alone. Renjun looked at the ground and bit his bottom lip, trying not to cry. He looked up when he felt Jeno's arm around his shoulder reassuringly.

"Then it's settled." Taeyong said. "We'll go to the old church."


Renjun felt his heart stop as the large church came into view.

Wedged between two old factories of some sort was a large brick church, the wooden cross on top was split and splintering, part of it gone completely, and not far under it in the wall was a beautiful stained glass window. Depicted on it was a picture of a cross with Jesus before it, arms outstretched to mimic the cross behind him, with disciples on either side watching in awe. Although, it was rather difficult to pick out since there were holes in the glass and shattered bits displaying spiderweb like patterns sprawled across some parts. It was clearly run down and obviously hadn't been used in ages. One of the double doors was unhinged at the top and Renjun noticed Taeyong and Johnny struggling to open it.

Once they had they quickly ushered the others in. Jaehyun, Yuta, Kun, Winwin, Yangyang, Hendary, Xiaojun, Lucas, Ten, and Taeil walked in casually. Renjun figured that was because they had been here before. Haechan was soon after, excitedly pulling Mark behind him. Kyungsoo followed them curiously. Next was Jisung, numbly watching his feet and mumbling about how angry Chenle was going to be.

And there it was again.

That burning feeling of sadness and anger that engulfed him every time Jisung mentioned the boy.

The boy who's body still layed, rotting in his own blood, at the top of the watch tower.

And all he had wanted was to make his brother proud.

"Renjun?" Jeno called softly, pulling the chinese male out of his thoughts. Renjun looked at Jeno who squeezed his hand a little tighter before heading into the ominous church.

 Renjun looked at Jeno who squeezed his hand a little tighter before heading into the ominous church

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