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Haechan looked Mark in the eye.

"It's time to wake up now Haechan. I'm sorry... We just... Have to go now." Haechan's smile faded and the pleading look in his eye was almost unbearable for Mark to witness. Haechan's grip on his hoody tightened.

"But Mark, it's all bad out there.." He burried his head into Mark's hoody.

"And it's warm and safe here.." His voice was a bit muffled as he spoke but Mark still heard.

"Mark... What if we don't go back..... What if we don't wake up.."

Renjun's eyes widened at Haechan's words. Moon stood and walked out from there spot, revealing himself to Mark and Haechan.

"I'm afraid that can't happen. That would only enforce the governments ideas about empathy, it wouldn't help our cause." Haechan looked at Moon and shook his head.


"Come on Haechan. We can dream again tommorow.. Let's wake up." Mark suggested. Haechan's eyes dulled, but he nodded.

"Fine.." He sent a deadly glare to Moon. "But we'll continue this tommorow..." He turned to Mark with a look of desire and want, but not lust..

He looked as if he was looking forward to his next high.


When Renjun opened his eyes, he frowned as he noticed Jeno was no longer beside him. He got up and quietly made his way out. He had an idea of where Jeno was, so he went there. Sure enough out on the balcony Jeno was slouched against the wall. His eyes were closed and he looked asleep, soft snores escaping his mouth.

"He really shouldn't sleep out here with Chanyeol being out.. He'll get himsepf killed." Renjun looked up and noticed Kyungsoo was also there, standing against the wall a little ways away. He sent his attention back to Jeno when the younger whimpered a bit in his sleep. He furrowed his brows and crouched down.

"Bad dream... I'd let him sleep. He needs to learn how to face his fear on his own." Kyungsoo said. When he spoke his words were laced with regret and sorrow. The man shook his head a bit and sighed. "Poor kid.. He didn't deserve to die... Not like that.. Not ever." Renjun fept the tears in his eyes once again. He lifted his head a bit and looked at Kyungsoo.

"No one deserves death. No one. But some deserve justice.. And he's one of them."

When Jeno woke into his dream he was greeted with an unfamiliar setting. He was in a small clearing, framed with tall trees that towered up to touch the sky. The green leaves swayed softly in the calm breeze and the warm sun overhead sent steady rays through gaps in the branches.

For the first time in a while, a small smile danced onto his face.

He began to walk slowly, out of the clearing and through the trees. The smell of spring filled his nose and he could see something sparkling through the branches. Curiosity got the best of him as he walked forward.

When he emerged from the trees he was greeted by another small field. This one had a couple rocks and a jagged stream flowing gently through it, leading into the forest and snaking around trees.

Then, he heard something.

Soft humming.

That occasionally turned to soft singing carried nicely on the breeze.

"I'll be your home." The humming continued after the voice spoke those lines.

Then he saw him.

A little ways away, a small chinese boy with blond hair and the voice of an angel was bent over, picking the purple wild flowers that sprouted here and there in the field.


When he breathed the name, the boy looked up. A wide smile spread across his face as he met the olders gaze.

"Jeno!" He stood and ran over, embracing Jeno in a hug and tackling the older in the process. The boys cheerful giggles rang throughout the forest as he layed on Jeno's chest and closed his eyes. When all was quiet again, Jeno spoke.

"Chenle.. I... I know this is to soon and it probably hurts to remember but... It would put everyone at ease.. How did you.. Die?" Chenle sat up and looked at Jeno, his happy expression being filled with a sad one as he remembered.


Jaemin helped kill him..

"I can't tell you Jeno.. I don't want him to get hurt..." Jeno looked confused so the younger continued. "He doesn't deserve to suffer.. He's so cool and I'm sure he had a good reason...." He looked around and smiled again as he stood up. "Plus, it's not that bad here! In fact, it's nice! I'm not alone all the time, but when I want to be I come here.. I didn't know people dreamed here, but apparently they do." He looked at the flowers in his hand and crouched again to pick more.

"By the way, do you think Jisung will like these? Purple always was his favorite color."


AN: Sorry the last couple chapters have been short. Long chapter soon I promise. Oh, yeah, one more thing to tell you!

Brace yourselves.

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