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Taeyong felt so hopeless.

The one thing he had lived for all these years. The cause he had sworn to fight for and he wouldn't be able to.

Stupid leg.

Stupid EXO.

Stupid government.

"I-if you have to amputate-tate it th-then let's get it over w-with. I would rather not fr-freeze to death." He managed. Jungwoo nodded and took a deep breath.

"This is gonna hurt.. Like, alot."


Renjun couldn't sleep.

Normally, he had no problem falling asleep, even in difficult situations, but today was different.

The sun was creeping slowly over the horizon and they were all downstairs waiting for information on Taeyong. If anyone wasn't awake before, they were now. Kun had gone up earlier with Jaehyun and they hadn't returned yet. The most noise they had heard was a loud thud from upstairs. It was rather ominous.

"Do you think he's dead?" Johnny suggested dryly. Ten shook his head.

"Doubt it. If he was, Jaehyun would've either come out crying or punched the wall." He said, sarcasm evident in his voice. Renjun frowned and leaned onto Jeno's shoulder. He was currently in the youngers lap, with Jeno's arms wrapped around his small waist.

"What's wrong Injunie?" He asked worriedly. Renjun sighed.

"What's not wrong Jeno." Renjun said, the remark coming off more snarky and rude then he had intended. He sighed again. "I'm sorry Jeno. I just feel like there's been more problems then solutions. More questions then answers, ya know?" Jeno nodded. It did feel like everything was against them right now.

And ever since last night, he can't shake this feeling..

That he's being watched.

"I'm sure he's not dead. But I'm also sure that sitting here is no good to our survival. We need a group to go out for food and a group to go to the junkyard to find materials." Johnny said, a rather leader like air about him. "Ten, Yuta, Winwin and I will go to the junkyard, Haechan, Mark, Jeno, Renjun, and Jaem-" he stopped himself and shook his head. "And Jisung will go out to look for food. That leaves Yangyang, Xiaojun, Hendary, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Taeil, Lucas, and Jungwoo to keep watch." Johnny said, assigning roles as if he did this everyday of his life. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips.

"Oh, yeah.. Kyungsoo, you go with Jeno's group. Okay, did I miss anyone?" Everyone shook there head no. Johnny nodded.

"Good. Then let's go."


Haechan bounced happily down the street, at the head of the group with Mark since they knew the city the best. Jeno was walking beside Renjun and just behind them was Jisung. Kyungsoo had offered to take up the back in case they ran into a member of EXO so he would be the first picked off.

"We're almost there!" Haechan said in a sing-song voice as they made there way down the street. Before they knew it Haechan stopped. "Here!" He exclaimed, excitedly pointing at the entrance. Jeno's eyes widened as he looked up and noticed where they were.

At the end of a dark alley, was a small shop. It was dimly lit and inside you could hear shouting and the occasional clank of a pot or pan. Before anyone could stop him, Haechan knocked loudly on the door. Silence fell behind the door and loud footsteps were heard before the door slowly opened. A man poked out his head and scanned all of there faces before his eyes landed on Haechan.

"Chanie?" The man asked. Haechan nodded excitedly.

"HAECHANIEEEE!!!" Suddenly the man was pushed out of the way by a slightly shorter male who ran out and engulfed Haechan in a tight hug.

When he came out, the door opened a bit more, revealing a rather stone faced man behind the one who had opened the door.

"Oh where have you been Haechanie? You look so thin!" The short male said as he released Haechan from the hug and squished his cheeks. "Come in, Taehyung was just about to cook something up!" He exclaimed, pulling Haechan in. The others cautiously followed Haechan into the small apartment. It was old and run down, the smell of smoke and fried rice hung permanently in the air.

"Who are your friends?" The stone faced one asked. Haechan perked up.

"Oh, yeah! These are Neo Tech's newest members! Mark, Jisung, Jeno, Renjun, and Kyungsoo!" He said pointing to each of them in turn. "Guys, I would like you to meet my friends! Theres Jimin," he said, pointing to the shorter one beside him who waved at them happily. "Namjoon, but we also call him RM," he explained, gesturing to the one who had answered the door. "Yoongi, but he goes by Suga," he said, pointing to the one with a blank expression who popped a bubble with his gum and nodded at them. "And.... Jimin, where's Taehyung?" Just then, a boy with messy bed head and sleepy eyes shuffled into the room.

"There he is! That's Taehyung!" Haechan said. Taehyung's eyes widened when he heard Haechan.

"Haechan! Where have you been boy?" Taehyung said with a sleepy smile. Haechan smiled at them.

They must have taken care of him for a while... Jeno thought. They look like a family... His thoughts trailed off as he remembered what he had always wanted.

A happy family with Jaemin and Renjun.

"Anyway, we were here because we need a favor.." Haechan began. RM watched as Taehyung began to grab out ingredients to make what they always ate.

More fried rice.

"What is it?" He asked, focusing on the young boy in front of him. Haechan looked up at him with big eyes, like a begging dog.

"Well.. Now that we have more members, we have more mouths to feed, which means we need more food..."

"Aww, Haechan my sweet choco ball, if you needed food for your family, you should've just told us sooner! We would have had Suga delivering food to your hyungs for ages!" Haechan looked at his feet.

He felt bad for begging them.

He felt bad that he needed their help.


"I know but you guys have already given me so much.. It felt wrong to ask for more." By now the rice was cooking, the aroma filling the apartment and causing Jeno and Renjun to realize just how hungry they were. They still weren't used to 'the gang diet' as the boys called it which consisted of 1 meal a week in the summer and spring and 1 meal every week and half during fall and winter.

Their stomachs growled loudly, catching Jimin's attention. The boy laughed a bit.

"Aw. And your friends are hungry too!" Jimin said, walking over and ruffling Renjun's hair. The short chinese boy smiled cutely up at Jimin.

Which made Jeno very jealous.

"Well never fear! Taehyung's fried rice is almost complete!" They all laughed a bit as RM and Suga got out plates and began to set the table, asking for help from Renjun and Jisung while Jeno and Mark helped Taehyung with the food.

And all the while Kyungsoo watched.

He watched them work like a happy family.

Just another happy family that didn't need him.

Another happy family that was better off without him.


AN: BTS HAS ARRIVED!! K but tbh this took way to much time to debate on whether I should add them cuz I'm just now getting into BTS so I will primarily use the members I know best. I'm sorry! Anyways, LOVE YOU YA MARVELOUS MOCHI!!!

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