#10 Run

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AN: hey again! Just wanted to say real quick that if you get the chance you should read Pick Up The Pieces by: Sovwri! It's a really good story that a friend of mine is working on and she's really proud. Please show her some love!

Renjun smiled happily as he ran out of the old parking garage. The sun hit his skin along with a cold breeze that blew dead leaves across the ground. It had been to long sense he had been truly outside. He ran ahead into the street that never seemed to have any cars and threw his hands in the air as he spun happily. His laughter echoed around the buildings and through the alleys as he fell on his back, still smiling fondly. He stared up at the sky and excitment filled his body. He sat back up and looked around. When he did, the environment around him had suddenly changed. It was now a white vast space occupied only by two boys. Renjun watched the scene before him unfold.

The smaller of the two boys was on his knees, staring off blankly. Renjun recognized it as Haechan and felt a sharp pain in his chest when he remembered that Haechan couldn't dream- this was what he saw every night. A vast space of nothing, a tireless void that stretched on endlessly before him. He recognized the other boy as Mark, the new boy that had joined them last night. He tilted his head. Haechan couldn't share dreams..


A smile spread across his face and joy swelled in his chest at the thought of Haechan finnaly getting to feel empathy.

"H-Haechan?" The boy called out cautiously. Haechan's eyes widened and he slowly stood up before turning to face Mark. His eyes rested on the dark haired boy and filled with tears. Mark stepped forward.

"No no! Don't be scared! It's only me.." Haechan continued to cry. He smiled widely at the boy before falling to his knees again. Mark stumbled forward about to comfort Haechan. He was almost to the boy when he couldn't walk forward more. Haechan looked up from his hands where he had buried his head and met Mark's gaze.

"Can.. Can I.... Mark, can I trust you?" Mark looked taken aback by this sudden question but nevertheless he nodded.

"Of course Haechan! You can trust me.." Mark said, reaching out once more to the boy.

For a moment, Haechan was taken back to his darkest memories and Mark witnessed as the dream scape before them transformed to something representing a labrotory. A tall man with a cunning smile looked at a beaten and broken Haechan on the ground with an outstretched hand.

"You can trust me Haechan." The tall man said. Haechan screamed and held his head, rocking back and forth. His screaming faded slowly.

"No no no no please stop please no make it stop.." He muttered to himself as he continued to rock himself.
Then the void was back and Haechan was once again alone.

When Renjun woke, tears were staining his cheeks. He sat up quickly and looked around. Jeno was beside him curled up and still asleep but a little ways away he saw Mark leaned against a wall and Haechan's body shaking beside him. Mark appeared to still be asleep but he couldn't tell if Haechan was since the boy was facing away from him.

Renjun took this as a chance to talk to the boy. He stood up, careful not to wake Jeno or anyone else and walked over to Haechan's shaking figure.

The day before had been busy and tiring. They had set off for the warehouse and were currently set up in a small alley so they could sleep. Not much had happened and they were grateful for that. Yuta said they would arive tonight if they headed out on time and avoided any trouble.

When he finnaly made it to Haechan, he knelt down and placed his hand delicately on the boys shoulder. Haechan flinched and inhaled sharply before slowly turning his head. He sighed with relief when he realized it was just Renjun. He sat up and Renjun didn't hesitate to envelope him in a hug.

"It.. I.. My dream-"

"I know..."

Renjun didn't want Haechan to have to relive that.

Not now

And not ever.

"Was I... Was that... Empathy?"

Haechan asked. Renjun tilted his head a little.

"Describe what it felt like."

"I don't know how to.. It was this overwhelming feeling of joy.. It was familiar in a way... But it wasn't bad overwhelming, it just felt new to me.." Haechan stared at Renjun with a pleading look in his eyes. "Junnie, please, I want to feel it again.." Renjun sighed.

"Well the only way for that to happen is for you to dream a couple of times with him.. And I'm sure you would have to get past your.... PTSD..."
Haechan frowned and nodded.

"I see..." He looked like he was about to try and lay his head down once more and drift off, but Renjun stopped him.

"No, not now. The others will wake up shortly and they're gonna want to hit the road.." Haechan nodded again before his eyes lit up with joy.

"How about we go look for something to eat! I'm sure theres some soul who would give something to us." Haechan suggested. Before Renjun could begin to express his concerns, Haechan had a firm hold on his wrist and dragged him out of the alley.

The sun still wasn't up all the way, but just like previous mornings, the first rays of pink and gold could be seen behind the buildings lining the horizon.

Haechan let go of Renjun's wrist as they walked and put his hands in his pockets. They continued to walk down the sidewalk, Renjun unconsciously getting closer. He didn't lile it. They were in a shady part of town and he hated how al the men they passed looked at them like they were some delicious meal. He hooked his arms with Haechan's and put his hands in Haechan's pocket, so there fingers interlocked. Haechan just smiled at him, calm and reassuring.

When they hit the street corner, Renjun realized why they came this way. A small bakery was on the corner, the delicious smell of fresh pastries filling the air around them. Haechan excitedly ran to the shop, dragging Renjun with him. But Renjun didn't smile. He knew it was fake excitment that Haechan was displaying. He just stopped and watched as Haechan walked to the door. He stared in through the window into the small shop. Inside, glass cases displayed small pies, cakes, bagels, and breads of all kind. Some filled, some plain, and Haechan scrunched his nose in disgust when he saw one had a small note that said 'whole grain'. He showed a small pout to Renjun.

"Why would anyone do that to the bread!" He said. The older couldn't help a soft chuckle. They both turned there attention back to the small shop when the bell signifying a customer rang.

A man with black hair stepped out, clutching a bag that they could only imagine was filled with the warm treats they had seen through the window. The man looked at the blankly. He was wearing a grey turtleneck sweater with dark colored jeans. He looked a little scary and mean but also calm and inviting, which threw off Renjun. Haechan just smiled at the man.

"Hello there!" He said, running forward and reaching out his hand to the man. "My name is Haechan! That's my friend Renjun! It's nice to meet you sir!" Haechan said in the sweetest voice he could manage. The man stared blankly at Haexhans hand before meeting the boys gaze. Not even taking the handshake, he nodded.

"Kyungsoo. You can call me D.O." the man stated. Haechan retracted his hand and awkwardly rubned his nape.

"Uh.. Nice to meet you.. D.O.." He gave a nervous laugh and retreated back to Renjun's side. "Welp, sir, sorry to bother you! Enjoy your food!" Haechan said with a bow before turning t walk away with Renjun.

"Wait!" The man called. They obeyed, stopping in there place and turning back. D.O. walked over and handed them the pastry bag. "You seem like you may need these more then me." He said, the stoic expression still not leaving his face. Haechan's eyes widened and he took the bag.

"Oh thank you sir! Is there anything we can do to-"

"I want to go with you."

"Eh- hmm?" Haechan questioned. The man still just watched blankly and restated.

"I want to go with you. Are you not apart of Neo Tech? If you're against EXO, I'm with you. Please, let me join you."

And that's why Haechan and Renjun arrived with a bag of bagels and a 24-year-old man behind them.


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