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Jaemin looked slowly up to the man before him.

"What do you want Baekhyun?" He spat when he saw the man before him. Baekhyun frowned.

"Do you think that's anyway to speak with someone higher then you? The answer is no. Just because Chanyeol is treating you like royalty doesn't mean we have to.." Jaemin scowled at Baekhyun's words.

"When will you learn to respect me and the information I have given your precious little EXO?" Jaemin said in a threatening tone as he stood up from the ground to face Baekhyun. The older had his hands clenched into fists. The street lights nearby all began to glow brighter and brighte until Jaemin had to cover his eyes from the brightness. Then a series of loud pops sounded. Jaemin slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

The bulbs had blown from the intensity of Baekyun's power.

Jaemin then watched as slowly, Baekhyun changed. His hair began to fade from it's pastel pink to pure white and his eyes changed from dark brown endless voids to icy blue oceans in seconds. He began to walk toward Jaemin, who was still quite stunned from the sudden changes in light. When he got to the younger, he violently grabbed Jaemin's neck, cutting off his windpipe.

"Baekhyun!" Baekhyun dropped Jaemin to the ground and turned to see a fimiliar figure.

"Ch-Chanyeol!" He seemed frightened. Jaemin smirked as he noticed the fear in Baekhyun's stance. He stopped smiling when he saw Chanyeol rush toward Baekhyun. He ran a careful hand through Baekhyuns white hair and stared into the depths of the boys ocean eyes.

Soon enough Baekhyun's hair returned to normal and his eyes did the same. Chanyeol carefully investigated Baekhyun's face before smiling victoriously.

"It's working..." He muttered. "We are growing stronger.... We're gonna hit Neo Tech so hard they will never get back up." He said with a deep chuckle. He then frowned and looked at Jaemin on the ground who groaned in pain but wasn't rushing to be mad at Baekhyun. He smiled.


"Baekhyun, you need to learn to better control your powers. You went a little berserk on us there and if that happens again I fear that it might not be so easy to calm you down." Baekhyun nodded.

Jaemin noticed how Baekhyun seemed entranced by Chanyeol. He looked at Chanyeol with love and admiration, seeming tonot even hear Chanyeol's words as he was so lost in his eyes.

Chanyeol turned away from them and began to walk away, back toward where the rest of the group was. Baekhyun seemed disappointed by the sudden loss of contact. His saddened eyes watched the floor, not even acknowledging that Jaemin was approaching him from behind.

"He used to be such a good man... Then the government offered him morr money imaginable if he could stop Neo Tech and he lost it, suddenly convinced by riches that losing empathy was a good thing.." Baekhyun sniffed a bit, a couple stray tears falling to his feet. Jaemin gave the boy a sorry look.

He needed to comfort the boy.

He put his arm over Baekhyun's shoulder.

"But, he is right. Without Empathy we wouldn't have fighting. We could all just be robots, able to do exactly what they want." Baekhyun looked up at Jaemin with widened eyes.

"And you want to become that?! You want to become nothing more then a mindless robot under the governments control?"

"Aren't we already?" There was a pause of silence as Jaemin let his words sink in for Baekhyun. "Baekhyun, we are already mindleds robots. The only difference when we remove empathy is the sudden desire to obey because we know no different. When you get rid of all our emotions, we have no way to be persuaded that what we are doing is wrong."

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