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Haechan looked at Chanyeol with disappointment. He wanted to join EXO so bad.. Why wouldn't Chanyeol let him?

"No way... He has to many close connections in Neo Tech... It would be to tempting for him to go back to them." Haechan watched in surprise as Jaemin spoke.

"Jaemin... It's true... You're alive...." Jaemin looked down at Haechan with disgust.

"And? What's it to ya? Send him back Chanyeol.. He has done nothing to show loyalty to us.."

"And neither have you! You could barely kill a simple target!" Baekhyun spoke in Haechan's defense, standing up to try and look scarier.

"You better watch it Baekhyun. Don't think we didn't see how you treated Haechan just now." Baekhyun froze and turned to face Chanyeol. "You're on thin ice Baeks. Tread lightly." A menacing silence fell over them as Baekhyun received glares from the others. He looked down with shame and stepped over to stand beside his gang. He couldn't bring himself to watch Haechan's scared look as Chanyeol gave his next order.

"Beat him and send him back. Make sure he regrets ever showing that pretty face of his here.. And Haechan, let me get one message back to that arrogant child running your gang..."

The terror in Haechans gaze only encouraged him.

"It's Almost time.."


Jeno looked at Jisung with no expression. He had seen this coming from a mile away since Mark had left Haechan to make the weakness. It was clear that Mark meant a bit to much to the boy. He was just waiting for the trigger to be pulled.

And it had been.

But what started to worry Jeno was remembering what they had done to Kyungsoo. What would they do if another one of his men ended up on their turf? He shivered a bit and frowned.

"Johnny, Mark, and Yuta, come with me. Everyone else, stay here and tell Kun to ring me if anything happens." Jeno commanded, receiving nods from most of them. Johnny and Yuta were at his side in seconds, already with there masks and weapons. Yuta had his bat while Johnny had a semi automatic pistol he was borrowing from Jaehyun. Jeno looked around for Mark and realized he must be upstairs working on the weakness still.

"You should go up and get Mark. It would give you a chance to check on how the weakness is coming. Me and Yuta can find you a weapon while you do." Johnny suggested. Jeno nodded and began to head toward the stairs.

Once at the top he walked into the room. He had never been up here before, since he never had much of a reason to be. one of the first things he noticed was Kyungsoo laying on one of the church pews. He looked better then he had when he first showed up. Jeno's gaze then fell on Jungwoo, Kun, and Mark, who all looked triumphantly at a small vile containing what looked to be a dark smoke. Mark then noticed Jeno and excitement showed on his face

"We did it Jeno!!! We found out how to make the weakness!" Jeno smiled and walked toward them.

"That's great but how do you guys know it will work?"

"We tried it on Kyungsoo.." Jungwoo softly explained. "It temporarily prevents their powers from working but it doesn't hurt them in any manor.  It's actually quiet impressive that it even works and that we got it to work so quick." Jeno smiled and looked at Mark.

"Well, Mark, I need you to come with me, but while he's gone do you think you guys could replicate it? I think we'll need more then that to beat EXO.." Jungwoo and Kun nodded and Mark tilted his head in confusion but followed Jeno regardless.

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