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AN: Ayayayay okay so big thank you to my friend oktoberspider for the cover artttt!! Thank you!!! OKAY ALSO oktoberspider MADE ME THE DRAWING ABOVE AND IT'S CHANYEOL AND JAEMIN I SKHDHDHDHDHDHSHSHDALWOS THANK YOUOUOUOO!! Last thing, fair warning, this chapter gets gruesome. I'm sorry.

Chenle looked proudly down the scope of the sniper. As much as it intimidated him, now that he knew more about the gun, he felt more confident and was more excited to test it out. He had spent all his time since being taught, in the tower, worried that someone might intrude. Every once in a while, he would recieve a visit from Jisung, bringing him food and telling him what was happening. At one point, Jisung had begged for Chenle to come back, saying it was boring without him, but Chenle had kindly declined, saying he wanted to surprise his brother with how much he knew about the gun.

Jisung hadn't told Chenle, but Jaemin had left again the night before and hadn't come back yet. It had been a week since Jaemin's first visit to the bar and his visits to god knows where were slowly getting longer and longer, eventually lasting days before he would return. Every time he did, it was the same thing. Jeno would yell at him, asking where he's been and Jaemin would insist it was none of his concern and that he was just exploring.

Jisung didn't want to tell Chenle.
He knew how much the boy idolized his brother, and he knew it would break Chenle's heart to know what he was really doing.

They weren't dumb.

They smelled the smoke and alcohol.
They had no clue why Jaemin was drinking, but Kun had sheepishly suggested that maybe all of this murder and stuff about a revolution was getting to him.

So they let Jaemin continue doing whatever he was doing.

And Jaemin continued to sneek off. He continued to train with Chanyeol, he continued to befriend all 7 members of EXO.

And his hate for Neo Tech continued to grow.

But Chenle didn't know any of this. So he just sat in the watch tower, keeping an eye out for potential threats. He sat and slumped in his chair, closing his eyes as the excitment faded. But it all came back when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Jisung! He thought to himself, sitting up. He watched the stairs intently, awaiting the company.

But it wasnt Jisung.

His mouth dried and his eyes widened in fear as a tall man emerged from the stairs.

It was Chanyeol.

He gulped nervously and gave a nervous smile.

"C-can I help you?" He could feel his body shake with fear as Chanyeol aproached and pulled a pistol from his pocket.

"Let me and my men in, without any trouble, and you will live. Cause any trouble, and you will die." Chenle swallowed and his nervous smile faded.

"N-no!" He said, mustering all his courage. Chanyeol laughed, deep and menacing.

"Idiot." He muttered. "Plan B." He said raising his voice. Chenle's eyes filled with relief when Jaemin emerged from the stairs, gun in hand.

"Brother!" He said as tears of relief fell from his face. But then Jaemin walked forward and Chanyeol moved out of the way. Jaemin slowly pointed the gun at Chenle's head and began to shake a bit. The youngers expression went from that of relief, to confusion, to the terrified gaze that now plastered his face. The flow of tears became heavier, and his whines and pleas echoed around the room.

"Why Jaemin?... Please.. Don't kill me b-brother.." He whimpered. Chanyeol scoffed.

"What are you waiting for Jaemin. Pull the trigger. Prove your loyalty." Jaemin took a deep breath.

"I... I can't.." He said, lowering his gun.

"Pathetic..." Chanyeol muttered. He smiled grimly. "I always have to do everything myself." He said. He pointed his gun at Chenle's head and chuckled a bit. "No.." He murmured, lowering the weapon once more. "Since you wouldn't do your job, I'm gonna make him suffer, slowly and painfully." He said, emphasizing the last words. He then raised his head a bit and his gaze landed on Chenle's arm. His eyes flashed red and within seconds Chenle fell on his knees, holding his arm and screaming from the searing pain he felt. He threw his head up.

"What did you do!! PLEASE!! Make it.. STOP!! J-Jaemin.. Make it- STOP!" He yelled, his tears falling harder. Small flames began to appear on his arm and his skin was bright red, starting to blister. As the flames grew, the blisters burst, boiling blood falling on the ground. His screams got louder as the pain seared threw his body. Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"J-Jaemin.. Why.. Brother.." He said, his screams quieting as he grew weaker. Chanyeol looked at one of the monitors.

Someone was coming.

"Come on, let's go, he'll die here before he can tell anyone." Chanyeol said. He walked past Jaemin and down the stairs. Jaemin stared at his brother in horror as he bled out on the ground, the dying flames spreading to his torso before dying out completely. Chenle met Jaemin's eyes.

"L-look.. Jaemin w-wait... I learned ho-w to shoot a sniper.." He let out a painful chuckle. "Aren't you pr-proud?" He asked. Jaemin stayed silent. He felt the tears on his cheeks. He had raised Chenle. He was the first face his brother ever really knew. Chenle's first words: big brother. And now he was the last face Chenle would see. Jaemin. Smiled and walked over to Chenle, picking up his brothers seared, dying body and shifting it so Chenle layed comfortably against the console. He gently ruffled Chenle's hair and smiled.

"I'm so proud.." He said.

Then he turned, and he left.

Chenle was giving up. The flames had died out but he was now bleeding out on the ground, awaiting the sweet release of death.

He didn't want to die like this.




He imagined he would die valiantly. In a great battle for freedom. Or he would die crying in his lovers arms.

In Jisung's arms.

"Jisung.." He muttered. Even if he wasn't here to recieve it, he wanted his last dying breathes to be spent on his favorite person. He painfully reached up with his good arm to the console and grabbed the paper and pencil he had used to sketch.

He had drawn a small cute picture of himself, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung, Haechan, and Mark, all together, smiling happily. His hands shook as he held the pencil. Carefully, with his last onces of strength, he scribbled 4 words onto the paper.

'I love you Jisung.'

His tears continued and his breathing became heavy, tons of effort into each breath. He threw his head back as all the pain began to fade. He suddenly felt so warm and safe. He looked with confused aw at the face before him.

"M-mom. You came back."


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