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AN: ik I said we were almost at the end before but like- we are REALLY close like, its scary.. Also I drew this Jaemin in MediBang Paint... Yeah.. Enjoy...

Jeno looked at Renjun, who was a little ways away from him, sitting against the wall, asleep. Or at least he had been. He was now beginning to stir, sitting up more and slowly opening his eyes before looking towards the door.

That's when it happened.

That's when Jeno heard it.

The loud banging on the door.

He looked at the men around him, some in a slight panic while most kept their composure. Jeno looked at Renjun who stood up and ran over.

"Hide... I'll see who it is.." He said qieutly before looking to the others.

"All of you, hide and prepare to ambush." He whispered a bit louder so they would hear before slowly aproaching the door.

But before he could even reach it, it flew open.

The first thing Jeno saw was a beaten man, barely breathing, being thrown to the ground just inside the door.

Then he saw them.

Chanyeol stood in the front, a crooked smile sprawled on his face as he gazed at them.

In the back stood four men that Jeno couldnt recognize very well. He recognized one of them to be Baekhyun and another to be Kai from the fight when he had first joined, but the other two were unrecognizable to him.

But the one that caught everyones eye, the one that everyone watched with fear, disbelief, and disappointment, was standing just behind Chanyeol. His soft looking pink hair was still just as vibrant as their last encounter, but this time his gaze looked desperate and pleading. But despite all this, one of his hands was balled into a fist while the other clutched a knife.


Chanyeol chuckled.

"Well well well, if it isnt my good friend Lee Jeno.. Its been too long buddy, how ya been?"

"Can it Chanyeol. What do you want?" Jeno snapped back, not letting his harsh gaze leave the tall man. Chanyeols smile faltered.

"Still haven't learned manners I see.." He clicked his tongue. "Pity.. You would make an excelent man if you could act pike one.. You know what they say, 'manners make men'..." He smiled again.

"Anyways, I think you know why we're here.." Chanyeol nodded to someone in the back and Jeno watched in horror as two other men came around the corner, dragging behind them and all too familiar body.

"Taeyong!" Jeno looked at the ground to see Jaehyun propping himself up shakily and watching through swollen, crying eyes as his partners almost lifeless body was pulled in.
The older made an attempt to drag himself towards Taeyong only to be kicked away by Chanyeol.

"Fool.." He scoffed before walking over to the men holding Taeyong. He stood before their former leader and pulled a well-known object from his pocket.

A switchblade.

"Now, its time you all saw what the was holds for us.." Chanyeol sneered.

Taeyong weekly lifted his head, showing a long scar going over his left eye, still bleeding and clearly fresh.

Jeno took an involuntary step back as Chanyeol began to press the knife to Taeyong's throat. Eventually he was applying enough pressure to block off Taeyong's airways, causing the younger to let out a gurggled, choked noise as he tried to speak. Jeno froze as Chanyeol quickly, still applying pressure, slid the knife across Taeyong's throat.

A choked cry barely escaped Taeyong's mouth as the two men dropped him, his body falling to the ground and his blood spilling mercilessly onto the church floor.

"No!!" Jeno tried to run forward but felt a cold hands gripping his biceps firmly, holding him back. "Let me go!!" He yelled, trying to free himself.
Chanyeol laughed and stepped over Taeyong's body, walking towards Jeno with precise steps.

"The war is coming Jeno, and if you're to weak to fight it, I'd gladly take the win."

Jeno watched as the men silently left just as quickly as they had arrived, until only one remained, looking at the bleeding body on the ground.


Jaemin looked up to see Renjun walking towards him with tear filled eyes. When Renjun reached for him, Jaemin took a step back, shaking his head slowly as tears began to fall.

"N-no Renjun.. I'm a monster.... I'll just hurt you.." He looked around at the group, who's numbers had dwindled to now only having seventeen members. "I'll just hurt all of you...." His gaze stoped and fixed longingly on Jeno.

But the older looked back with a harsh, cold gaze, piercing through to Jaemin's soul and picking it apart slowly.

"Then leave." Jeno said sternly, not a hint of remorse or regret in his voice. Jaemin turned and ran out of the church, following after the murderous men who he had lead here.

The only sound that remained were Jaehyun's sobs and desperate cries, echoing around the church.

"No no no... Taeyong!!" He cried. He stood and lurched forward towards Taeyong, stopping and falling on his knees into a puddle of his lovers blood.

"Taeyong... Taeyong...... Tae.." He pleaded, shakily picking up the mans head and holding it to his chest, letting his tears fall onto Taeyong's face.

Jeno watched with an agonizing pain in his chest. Renjun ran over and hugged him, crying harshly into the youngers chest to muffle his cries.

Yuta was comforting Winwin.

Jungwoo was trying desperately to calm down Lucas.

Johnny was with Ten, shaking his head and refusing to watch, as if denying Taeyong's death.

Kyungsoo was watched the door a moment longer as if waiting for his brother to come back any minute before he walked outside.

Taeil was watching Renjun with a steady gaze while Doyoung beside him stared at the ground, pain evident in his posture.

Mark looked broken and alone. For the first time since leaving EXO, he was alone, unbothered by Haechan, and he felt like a part of him was missing.

Hendery was crying into Xiaojun's chest while Yangyang held his hand tightly and looked at Taeyong in horror.

Kun looked around with a lost expression.

It had happened.

He was dead.

And the war was closer then ever.
Jeno suddenly pushed Renjun away, walking over to a small wooden crate and standing on it as if it was a pedestal.

"Listen up!"


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