Thank you

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Its me!

Your lovely author!

I would like to say thank you all so much for reading this crazy story.
It was really all over the place and I suck at writing fight scenes so the ending was crap, but I really hope you liked this!!

Now, since this was the only story I was working on, I plan to work on two new ones next!

One will be called Sleep, an NCT Dream fic with a concept that I'm quite proud of and excited to show you all!

The other one I need your Help with deciding cuz I have lots of ideas that I want to do but I only wanna work on one at a time.

Here are the options:

Strawberry Cake:

Fluff/minor angst

Top!Jaemin Bottom!Jeno

No smut

Nomin fic

Jeno and Jaemin have been friends for years, but after a traumatic accident with Jeno, their lives are changed forever - in which Jeno is a little and Jaemin has to take care of him

Please Delete:

Angst/some fluff

Top!Jeno Bottom!Jaemin

No smut

Nomin fic (again whoops I love them)
Jeno is anorexic, struggling with people bullying him for his weight all his life. His only escape is his Instagram account where he lives behind a mask to hide from himself.

That's the two options. Sorry they're both Nomin but like oof its been sailing lately and I love them. But here you go! Tell me your opinion on which I should do next! Sleep is coming out soon and I also have a BTS short story based off the wings album that you can look forward to! Also my friend oktoberspider is publishing her first story soon so, please go support her!!! (Its not a fanfiction but from what shes told me about it, it sounds really cool!)

Now, here are some honorable mentions!!

oktoberspider : I CAN NOT EVEN BEGIN TO THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE TIME SUPPORT AND BRAINCELLS YOU HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO MY CHAOTIC ASS AND THIS STORY!! I love you so much and really wish you the best of luck for your story!~ I'm super excited to read it and support you all the way!!

sovwri : you have always supported me even when I'm a shit head to you and I cant believe you forgive me for the things I say. I love you alot and hope you always stay happy in whatever you're doing.

lelelovesramen : we miraculously became friends through a crackhead discord server and I honestly regret nothing about it! I love you and the friendship we have built so far and am excited to see where we go next!~

XxBeanSproutxX : my daughter, my friend, my beloved chicken child, I love you so much and I'm sorry this story had so much angst and dark stuffs.. I promise I will write a host club mini fic for you cuz I love you, just let me watch more of the show first.

Oracle_006 : I know you will probably never finish this long ass story and I dont even care if you don't, but I still love you enough to mention you! Thank you for being such an amazing friend to me even on my off days and thanks for providing my life with your chaotic energy!

And lastly I wanna thank you for reading this story. I'm sorry if it was bad and all over the place at times but I will try to improve on my next books and i really hope that you all liked this at least a little!

Thank you all for everything, I cant imagine my life without you guys!

I love you all, stay healthy and warm, and please stay safe!!


I still cant believe that this story is over. So much time and lack of sleep/bad grades went into this lol I hope you liked it I love you alot and stay tuned for my future stories!!~~

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