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Taeyong let out a heavy sigh.

He knew what he had to do.

He looked at the only other person with him in the room and smiled weakly before looking at his leg.

Well, what was left of it anyways.

All that remained was a bandaged stub where his leg had once been. He knew he wouldn't be able to fight. He knew he wasn't the right one to lead.

And he knew who was.

"Sir.. Are you sure he's fit for the position? It's alot of work for someone like him...."

"Yes Jaehyun. He's been through enough with us, he knows how to handle things. Believe me I've thought this through. He just seems like the right one." Jaehyun nodded. It seemed like no matter what he said, Taeyong wasn't gonna change his mind.

"Are you ready?" Jaehyun said with a dull smile at the man laying on the bloody church pew. Taeyong smiled as well and struggled to get up. Jaehyun came over and helped him up, allowing a shoulder for his leader to lean on.

It hurt him.

To see Taeyong like this.

Because he knew nothing would ever be the same for any of them after this. Taeyong faced him, both hands on his shoulders before reaching up his hand to Jaehyun's face to gently wipe the tears away that Jaehyun hadn't even noticed. The younger watched as Taeyong's eyes softened and he smiled gently at him.

"It will be alright Jae.. Remember what Jin used to say? If we win, he will buy us all the ice cream ever!" Taeyong's smile widened. Jaehyun laughed a little despite the ever flowing tears.

"I... I don't want ice cream if we win.." Jaehyun said, reciting what he used to tell people when he was young. Taeyong furrowed his brows and tilted his head. Jaehyun looked at the floor as he continued.

"If we win... I want to live my happily ever after with you.." He said. He looked up and met Taeyong's calm gaze.

"I want that too."


Everyone gathered in the small chapel, conversing among themselves as to why Taeyong had called a meeting. The 'patrols' for food and resources had returned and been filled in about Taeyong's successful leg amputation. Some were saying they thought he was plotting the next attack. Others said the meeting was to encourage them all after the recent deaths and injuries. But the most common rumor was the most dreaded.

Taeyong stepping down from his role as Neo Tech's leader.

Since the beginning of Neo Tech Taeyong had been the leader. The idea that his reign was reaching it's end pained them all.

And before they knew it, Jaehyun had helped Taeyong down the stairs and to a clearing of sorts among the crowd that they had created for him. Silence fell over them as he did.

Taeyong looked around slowly, meeting the gazes of his confused men. He had led them since the beginning. He had practically raised some of them himself. They had been through everything together.

He sighed, relaxing his shoulders a bit while still holding onto Jaehyun for support.

This was for the greater good.

"I think you have all been made aware of my leg." He began. "Or my lack of leg. I also know many of you have feared what this means for the fate of Neo Tech... And I assure you Neo Tech will go on." At these words, the small crowd seemed to relax a bit.

"How can it go on with a leader who can't provide for himself?" Someone called out. A couple murmurs of agreement swept through the group.

Taeyong took one last deep breath as the tension grew.

"Because I will no longer be leading."

A sad silence fell over everyone. Some, like Johnny and Jaehyun, even teared up a bit. They had always imagined that only death would pull him from his leader position.

But life just isn't fair.

"But without a leader, I fear chaos may fall. So, to prevent this.... I will appoint a new one." Everyone began to mutter to one another who they thought the new leader was gonna be, some looking at Jaehyun but many looking at Johnny. Seeing the way he had acted in giving them each a role yesterday made them realize what a great leader he would make.

"Who do you think he'll choose?" Renjun whispered to Jeno who was beside him. Jeno shrugged.

"I mean probably Jaehyun. After all, they have been really close lately.." Jeno suggested.

"Yeah but what about Johnny? He did well yesterday in the temporary position and he was one of the original members of Neo Tech.."

"What about me!" Haechan whispered, his voice louder then it should've been. Ten, who was in front of them, turned and hushed them with a stern look. Haechan just pouted and went back to clutching Mark's arm as if his life depended on it.

"Well, get on with it then!" Yangyang yelled out, getting yelps of agreement from Hendary and Xiaojun beside him. The other group members also looked eager, the sadness of Taeyong's news long forgotten.

The whole situation had actually taken on a life of it's own, the members placing small bets of their food rations on who would get chosen.

Jeno found it disgusting.

The way they completely forgot about their former leaders pain as soon as gaining his power was on the line.

He hoped he never had to lead a group like that.

Taeyong cleared his throat and the group got quiet. He raised his head so he could be heard by everyone.

"Johnny, please come forward." The crowd cheered as Johnny walked up to Taeyong, not a hint of greed or snarkiness to be found. Confused whispers whisped around the crowd as Taeyong told Johnny to stand beside Jaehyun. He then carefully and slowly moved so he was facing them and, still projecting his voice, continued.

"You have both served me well and I hope you will keep the same confidence and certainty you have now with your new leader. I also hope you aid him just as you have aided me in the past. Take good care of him and treat him well."

Everyone was even more confused then ever. It couldn't be Taeil. Taeil couldn't fight and was meant to receive prophecies, not lead men into battle.

Maybe Haechan?

The boy had been in the group for a while, being raised by the gang. And now that he could feel empathy, he did qualify. That would also explain why Taeyong said to take care of the new leader well. Jeno smiled a bit at the thought of the young boy leading. He imagined Haechan using his higher status to allow Mark access to things no one else got. Haechan treating Mark like his prince.

He wished he could treat Renjun like that.

"Now," Jeno was pulled from his thoughts by Taeyong who had gotten the crowd quiet again. He let out a sigh as he looked out at these men he had led with his life.

"After alot of thinking, and long descutions with Jaehyun and Johnny, I have picked your new leader. I hope you will support him and protect him with your life as you have done for me."

This was it.

It was crazy to Taeyong how the next five words he would say, could hand his title as leader off to someone else.

"Your new leader, is Lee Jeno."



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