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Mary Beth felt like her heart had been ripped out. She had just found her boyfriend doing it with some other girl. You know because, why not?

She devoted her heart and soul into that relationship. She stayed for everything. Even when he put his hands on her. Mary Beth had to be strong.

She didn't want to be one of those girls who thought they had no purpose in life after they ended things with their boyfriend.

She understood their relationship was rocky and he was being more crazy than usual. But wasn't she enough for him. At least that's what she thought.

It figures. She was a freak. A witch who could do crazy things. He was afraid of her. But still. She really wanted to work things out. She didn't want to feel this way.

She was too tired to walk around aimlessly at the town. So she did a stupid thing and walked home. It wasn't too long a walk. But of course, it starts raining.

Just my fucking luck. She thought.


Kai got that weird feeling again. Why does that keep happening?

Mary Beth.

That was the only thing that popped into his head. She's not supposed to be back until tomorrow, but he figured he'd call her. He pulled out his phone and was about to dial she walked through the door soaking wet.

"Are you alright?" Elena asked gettin up off of Damon who was on the couch.

"Why are you back so early little one?" Damon questioned.

Thank god. Kai thought. He still felt like something was wrong, that something terrible had happened.

"Oh Owen got busy and I missed you guys. But I'm really tired so I'm going to go to bed early." She said attempting a smile.

Kai didn't need to have that gut feeling to know that was a big fat lie. He didn't understand what the hell was going on but he felt this sudden need to go and comfort her.

So without a word he headed outside pretending he was taking a walk. No one looked up because they didn't care enough but as he was walking outside he heard Damon yell, "Don't kill anyone!"

"I'll try." He called back.


He laughed at the way he yelled his name. The same way Mary Beth did. Mary Beth.


Mary Beth closed the door and put her back against it sliding to the floor. She hadn't even gotten completely up the stairs yet when she started crying.

The floor was uncomfortable after a while so she changed out of her jeans to put sweats on and put on a fuzzy sweater. She laid down on her bed trying to calm herself down.

She felt so used. So weak and pathetic. Figures why Owen cheated. She was a freak. That girl was way prettier than her. Well at least that's what she thought.

She continued to sob silently when she felt someone behind her. She stopped crying as her heart began to race.

"Relax Beth it's just me."

She gave a sigh of relief. It was just Kai. Weirdly she had thought about him a lot today. Maybe all day.

He took off his jacket and climbed into the bed with her. (Not in a creepy way) When he was walking around that sad gut feeling he felt all day only got worse when Mary Beth got upstairs.

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