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Heyo and welcome to another one of my character x OC stories! This is a story following a girl called Kenda Kai in the assassination classroom. This is a Karma x OC story by the way for those of you who haven't noticed yet. Hopefully you enjoy her story! By the way we are starting out a few days after the school year has started.

~Kai's POV~

I slowly woke up to hearing my alarm clock in my room buzz. I groaned and turned it off before sitting up and checking the time. "Oh god I'm going to be late!" I immediately had seen that class would start in about fifteen minutes.

I ran around the house quickly getting ready for school. I brushed my hair and teeth, changed into my school uniform, pulled on my gloves, and did any other necessary things before taking a breather and looking around the house. I sighed running a hand through my hair. "They're already gone as usual. Well no time for breakfast today, I gotta go!" I grabbed my school bag which had everything ready to go, since I had made sure to pack it the night before, and ran past a framed picture of my parents as I as I left the house.

I locked the door behind myself and started to run off towards the school. I waved at my neighbors that said things like 'Hello!' and 'Good morning!' as I ran by. 'This sucks... I unfortunately got sick just a day before school started and had to stay home and rest for a few days. This meant that I would miss my first few days of school plus missing meeting my new teacher and classmates.' I thought as I had a flashback to the second to last day of school of the year beforehand.

I was handed a letter that stated not to read it until I was at home. Upon getting home I read it and it stated 'To whomever this may concern, Kai has done fairly well in school in past years from her records, but this year however her grades have been dropping and she hasn't been doing as well on tests. She has gone so low that, as of next year, she will have to join the E class until she can get her grades back up.' Or at least that's the best way to sum it all up.

I knew this was coming and I had to stay up waiting for my parents that night to talk to them about it. It was horrible for me, but nevertheless I'm here now and must go on with life. I took a deep breath and walked onto the main campus and went towards the principal's office. My parents had text me the night before to tell me that they had gotten a call from the principal telling them that before I step foot into that classroom, I must speak with the principal and some other people about some things about the E class.

I soon made it to the principal's office and took another deep breath before stepping inside.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Koro-sensei's Tentacles~

I was still a bit shaken up by what I had heard int hat office as I walked up the mountain towards my new classroom. It is a bit hard to comprehend that your new teacher is the alien who blew up most of the moon, and now you must assassinate him before the year ends and you graduate or else the world will be destroyed. I put the new weapons I had received away into my bag as I walked.

'That's a little much to put on some kids, don't you think? If the military couldn't do it then how could we? At least I'll get some money if I kill him, but it'll be hard when I can't really use powers of my own.' I thought as I tugged at my gloves reaching the building at the top of the mountain. I walked down the hallways until I reached the room with a sign saying 3-E on it.

I heard from the inside the someone talking about what I could only assume is me. "As you all might have noticed, in the back of the room there are a few seats without students in them. This of course means we are without a few students right now and they are late. Though I've heard that today one of those students are making their appearance."

I decided that now was the best time to step inside and opened the door. I saw everyone in the room turn their eyes towards me as I stepped in with a smile. I turned to the yellow being in the classroom.  "Hello, you must be our new teacher. It's nice to finally meet you." He looked at me with his seemingly permanent smile. "Hello, and you must be Ms. Kenda." I nodded. "You can just call me Kai though sir."

Then I heard someone shout "Kenda!? As in Kenda Kai, the best looking girl on the main campus!?" I turned towards where the noise came from and laughed nervously whilst rubbing the back of my head. "Heh heh heh, I didn't know that I had such reputation around here." I smiled as most of the class went crazy talking about me.

Our teacher then had to draw the attention of the class back to him. "Well, well, well, Ms. Kenda seems to be rather popular eh? How about you go ahead and take your seat then." I nod taking one last look around the classroom. I recognized some faces in the room, but otherwise I had seen nobody I was good friends with, until my eyes landed on a blue haired boy.

"Is that?... Nagi!?" I exclaimed as the blue haired boy looked up at me upon hearing the pet name. "Kai?" He asked tilting his head slightly and I nodded as he stood up, knowing what was coming. I ran up to him and pulled him into a tight embrace while everyone around us looked at us with surprised expression. "Nagi!?" The rest of the class said in unison all questioning my nickname for him as I pulled away from him.

"I missed you so much! We haven't talked in forever!" He nodded as we smiled at eachother. I looked around noticing that everyone was staring at us and I smiled slightly. "I'll go to my seat now, sorry heh." I stated walking towards the back of the class and sitting in a seat. "Good idea." The teacher stated. "Also Kai?" He asked as I hummed in response. "May I ask why you are days late for class?" I sighed and nodded slightly looking up at him.

"To put it simply I had gotten sick the day before school started and I'm now better, and this morning I woke up late as well as having a meeting with the principal about the situation we're in with you right now sir." I placed my bag down next to my chair as he accepted my answer and started his lessons.

After a while lunch time had come around and the yellow creature flew away to get himself some lunch. I sat there realizing that the one thing I forgot to do was pack myself a lunch. I sighed and stood before walking over to Nagisa and the rest of the class. They started to ask me questions about myself and how I ended up in class E to which I answered as much as I could before asking them what they knew about our teacher.

They said that his fave changes color depending on how he is feeling and that they call him Koro-sensei. "Smart name, who came up with that?" I said as a green haired girl raised her hand slightly. "It was me." She stated as I smiled at her. "Good job on that name! I never could've thought that one up!" She smiled and thanked me.

"No problem! By the way all of you, if you don't know, my name is Kenda Kai. You can call me what you like, though I've only been called Kai or K." They smiled and one by one introduced themselves to me. "It's nice to meet you all~" I giggled continuing to converse with the students until Koro-sensei came back and began teaching again.

I decided to wait a bit to attack him so he wouldn't expect it to come from me. 'Maybe one day I'll even use my powers to defeat him. Who knows...' I thought and waited for the day to end. It soon did and I went home for the day. There wasn't many successful if any assassination attempts today but we'll get him one day.

I soon made it home and did my normal routine, except today I didn't do my usual training and went straight off to my room after eating. Then later that night I drifted softly off into sleep and slept on peacefully for that night.

Sorry if this seemed a little short but I had to make up my own first day for Kai since I didn't plan on her coming on the first day, and I also didn't want her to walk in on the same day as Karma. It was a bit hard to find a way to drag the story out for a long time but I did my best. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and there'll be more to come soon. Cya next chapter!

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now