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Hope you enjoy everyone!

~Kai's POV~

Our plan to assassinate Koro-sensei was starting out well. He was currently watching a movie, and probably regretting some of his decisions whilst Karma and I stood in a boat nearby, awaiting our cues. "You ready?" Karma asked and I nodded. "Yeah, you?" I glanced in his direction as he gave a thumbs up. I watched as it soon became high tide and smirked as Ritsu's voice rang in my ears. "Kai, now!" She exclaimed as I held one of my hands out to the water, helping to push a little extra water in the direction of the hut that Koro-sensei was stationed in. My other hand held my phone so Ritsu could give me the right set of cues.

It wasn't long before we were given the cue to start driving the boat away from the hut. As Karma started up the boat and it rushed off through the water I steadied my footing so I wouldn't fall out of the boat. The ropes tied to our boat pulled at the other side which were wrapped around the walls of the hut, soon those walls caving in to reveal our classmates on fly boards. Everything was going according to plan so far, that is, until the final shots were taken.

Along with the cease in fire came a lightning strike that made a huge ripple in the water, sending a couple waves crashing into the boat Karma and I were perched in. I lost my balance quickly after and started falling into the sea below. "Kai!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me before I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pulling me back from the edge of the boat. I blushed lightly as I realized who it was. "Karma... Thanks." I smiled softly at him as he stared down at me, still a little worried. "Be more careful next time, okay?" He asked and I nodded as he pulled me closer to him, caging me up against his chest so he could nuzzle his nose into the crook of my neck.

"Karma, don't be silly. It's only a bit of water. I'm used to it anyways." I explained as my hand reached up to softly pet his crimson locks. He nodded as he let me go, sighing softly and moving a hand to rub the back of his neck. "I know... It's just that sometimes I can't help but worry for you and your safety." He looked away from me as his cheeks were colored a cute tinge of pink. I beamed and nodded at his response. "It's cute, seeing you worry about me sometimes. I just want you to put a little more faith in me and understand that I can handle myself just fine." I said, watching as Karma covered his face up with his hand now.

I curiously gazed at him, taking a step in his direction. "Hey, are you okay? Was it something I said?" I asked and he nodded as I frowned slightly. "I'm sorry..." I said and he shook his head, laughing a little as he removed his hand to reveal his cheeks had darkened into a more red color. He pinched my cheek causing me to flinch. "Ow, ow, ow! What was that for!" I yelled. "It's just that I'm supposed to be the one making you feel embarrassed, not the other way around." He said and I giggled as my blushed darkened.

"Whoops! My bad!"

Karma then turned away to drive the boat towards the dock nearby where everyone else was stationed at, giving both of our blushes a chance to calm down a little. Once we parked the boat Karma hopped out and held out a hand for me to grab. Gladly I took it and he pulled me up onto the dock. We looked over into the water where most of the class was and noticed that our teacher was now in some sort of new form, he was basically an indestructible ball from what I could gather. "Great."

I sighed to myself, upset that we didn't get him and he one upped us yet again as Karma took things into his own hands. He then proceeded to tease our teacher to no end, making him regret switching forms for sure. "Kai! Get your crazy boyfriend off of me, will you!?" My sensei exclaimed and I chuckled before placing a hand on Karma's shoulder. "Hand him over, Karma." I said as he pouted a little before giving him to me. I pulled out my phone. "Ritsu?" I asked as said 2-D girl appeared on my phone's screen. "Yes, K-Chan?" She said with a curious look on her face. "You're usually on campus while Koro-sensei is, right? Do you have any pictures or dirt on him that you can show me on this screen?" I asked, making Koro-sensei physically tense.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now