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Welcome back my lovelies to my character x oc story! I'm just gonna skip to the story for now, so, shall we begin?

~Kai's POV~

I stood with Nagisa and Sugino hiding behind some trees watching Koro-sensei. I was wanting to watch how Sugino's new assassination attempt would go since he is using a baseball full of anti-sensei BBs. I hear he is good at baseball and was a part of the baseball club so this should be good.

"Good luck Sugino." I said giving him a thumbs up and a closed-eye smile. Nagisa told him a good luck as well to which he thanked us and prepared to throw the ball at our teacher. As soon as the ball was thrown it made it's way fairly close to our teachers head before we heard his voice resonate behind us.

We turned around quickly and were surprised to find him standing there behind us. "Why good morning sir!" I smiled at him as he showed us that he caught the ball that was thrown at him with a mitt he found lying around. We were a bit shocked by that before we heard the bell for class to start ring. He told us then that it's time for homeroom and walked off towards the classroom.

Sugino seemed to have gotten a bit depressed from his failure. Nagisa and I tried to assure him that he had a good idea and it was followed through rather well. This didn't help much however. I just tugged at my gloves quietly at that point. I always have to make sure they are securely on or else I might use my powers by accident.

We soon were sitting in class barely listening to our teacher's lesson before he took a notebook from one of our fellow classmates. He showed it to the class and gave a small review of what was on the page, a drawing of Koro-sensei. I smiled listening to their antics before the lunch bell rang.

Koro-sensei then stated that he had some off campus business to attend to during this lunch period. He said he was going to 'catch a ball game in the big apple' before flying off. I only nodded slightly to myself before realizing that I had taken off of training with my powers for a bit since I was settling into class.

I still didn't have a lunch today so I thought it was the perfect time to go out and do so. I started to climb out the window quietly before Kayano asked where I was going and why I was going through the window. Then everyone turned to me curiously. "Heh heh well~ I just wanted to get some fresh air yet I didn't want to drag to much attention to myself by going past everyone and through the door." They all must've believed that because they just said 'okay' and went on with their day.

I ran off into the trees surrounding the building. Immediately I made sure nobody was around or following me. When I was sure I was safe I slowly took off my gloves and held them in one hand. I held out my other hand and concentrated on what I was doing, soon after a ball of water appeared in my hand. It soon changed into an ice shard and then to a snowflake before melting back into the water ball again. I then made myself and ice dagger and started to stab at the air as if I was attacking someone.

After a bit of training the bell rang again and I ran back to the class hoping not to be late, and I was just in time as I sat in my seat, pulling my gloves back over my hands.

During class I looked outside to find Koro-sensei talking to Sugino. 'Huh?... Wait! Is he talking him down about his assassination attempt earlier!?' I thought before running out to them, finding Nagisa already out there I stood next to him seeing Sugino being held up in the air by Koro-sensei's tentacles.

Nagisa and I pleaded with him to not hurt Sugino. Koro-sensei just sat him down and talked about how he was imitating someone else's pitching style. I'm not one for sports so this conversation confused me a bit. Koro-sensei continued to say that his tentacles don't lie and that the move he was trying to recreate won't ever be done correctly by Sugino.

Nagisa tried backing him up and I watched him a little surprised by his words. "You misunderstand me, I base this entirely on first hand experience. First through eight hand experience!" He held up a newspaper with a picture of his tentacles doing the same thing to a professional baseball player as he did to Sugino. "What's wrong with you!?" We said staring at him shocked.

The tentacle bearing teacher then showed us an autograph he had gotten from him as well. Koro-sensei gave Sugino some good advise on his technique before walking off. I saw Sugino smiling and couldn't help but smile at that before watching Nagisa run off after our teacher.

I on the other hand turned to Sugino and held out a hand to him with a smile. "So, are you going to take Koro-sensei's advise on using your own style?" I asked him and he nodded as he took my outstretched hand. I helped him up and we smiled at eachother. "That's good to hear Sugino." My hair swayed in a small breeze passing by.

Later on Sugino was using his own new technique that he had made to fit himself on Nagisa. It actually seemed to be working as well. I stood nearby watching the two and yelled over at them. "Good job Sugino!" I waved at them with a wide smile. He nodded and thanked me before talking with Nagisa a bit about his new technique.

I soon saw them go and get Koro-sensei from inside to throw some shots at him. I smiled to myself looking into the palm of one of my open hands. 'Maybe I'll be able to use my own style to kill Koro-sensei.' I thought before looking from my palm to the sky. "We'll just have to see..." I said to myself before glancing back at Sugino.

In another assassination attempt part of the class had put together, Koro-sensei ended up taking out the flowers being grown in the flower bed by mistake. He didn't know that some of us had been working hard to grow those plants and so they made Koro-sensei properly replant new buds.

Soon after a man named Karasuma walked up to our building as Kayano and I were bringing more poles to our classmates. "Hey Mr. Karasuma, what are you doing here?" She asked with a smile as I stood next to her. I smiled up at the man. "New job assignment. As of tomorrow I join the faculty, as a P.E. teacher." He said in response as they conversed a bit more. Then the guy called Karasuma turned to me. "And who might you be? I don't believe I saw you when I first introduced myself to the class." He asked.

"Well sir it's nice to meet you, I'm Kai, and yes we haven't seen eachother before because for the first few days of school I was feeling a bit ill." He nodded in response. "At least you're here now, well and helping. The more people we have on our side here the better." He said and I nodded.

"So where exactly is your target now?" He asked us before we answered in unison. "Apologizing. He messed up the tulips we planted, so he reduced his speed and he's letting us all take whacks at him." We then looked over to see the other students trying to hit Koro-sensei with their anti-sensei weapons while he is being hung from a tree like a piñata.

Kayano and I stepped over to Nagisa, all of us had an anti-sensei weapon of some sort in hand. I watched as the two awkwardly conversed. 'I so totally ship them!' I thought as I saw Koro-sensei gloat before somehow falling from the tree he was hanging from.

The class then charged at him since he was still tied up. Then he wiggled himself free from his ties and hid away on the roof. Soon after he said we had extra homework tonight and flew off. I sighed at that. "Great... Well at least we are getting a bit closer to killing him, right?" Kayano and Nagisa nodded.

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter Karma will finally make his appearance! Anyways I have to go help Kai finish that extra homework ugh... Cya next chapter!

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now