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Hi my name is failure, and you are watching my life crumble into pieces. If you got that I will love you forever. Now let's begin, shall we?

~Kai's POV~

I heard two names that I wished I heard incorrectly. I turned around to see my 'parents' excusing Hiro for bumping into them on his way out of here. They had a small exchange of mere formalities before they went their seperate ways, Hiro heading off down the mountain, and the couple ahead of me stepping in the opposite direction towards me.

They stopped right in front of me and greeted me with cold stares. There you have it, the ice king with his barbie doll ice queen latched to his arm as always. Not even daring to address me as if I were a person... "Hello, Kai. It's been a while hasn't it?" My father said to me as if we were colleagues who haven't seen each other around the work space in a while. This disgusted me... Just in what way am I related to that?

"Yes, it's very good to finally get to see you again my dear." My 'stepmother' smirked at me, like she had something up her sleeve. I boredly watched their drabble before responding in a matching tone. "Hello there, Stacey,-" I looked towards that vile woman and almost scoffed, but held my tongue for fear of what my father might say in her defense. I then looked towards the man she was clinging for dear life to. "Kōri..." I finished, my tone filled to the brim with bitterness. The bad aftertaste in my mouth after I said those words tasted just as bitter.

Kōri scoffed at me. "I would appreciate it if you didn't address us in such a nasty way. Haven't I ever taught you to respect your elders, let alone your parents?" He asked as if to challenge me and my eyebrow twitched slightly. "And I would appreciate it if that woman latched onto you would stop calling me idiotic nicknames, but we can't all get what we want. Plus I respect only those who have earned my respect, you lost it a long time ago when you brought that she-devil into our home." I explained as he grew agitated.

Stacey calmed him down before convincing him to go back to the car and to let her handle this one. Once he was out of sight the woman looked at me as if I didn't belong in the same space as her. She flipped her hair a little before speaking to me. "This place suits you well, finally a place where a spoiled brat like you can feel like you actually belong." She laughed lightly at me and my open palms slowly turned into fists.

"I'm not going to fight with you, Stacey. Unlike you, I'm mature enough to be the bigger person and say that fighting with a child is beneath me." I said and chuckled under my breath when I saw steam practically oozing from her ears. Before anything else could be said a squishy 'hand' landed on one of both of our shoulders, my disguised teacher standing in between us now.

"This is hardly the time or place for a family feud don't you think?" My teacher said and looked between the two of us carefully. I nodded as Stacey slapped his 'hand' away from her. "It is none of your business or concern what I do or say to that entitled little prick." She said and I glared at the ground. "Actually what you do and say to her is my business and concern because I'm her teacher and she is my student. As a teacher I must watch over her and keep her well being and best interests in mind." Koro-sensei said and I looked up at him and smiled softly.

"Not for much longer." She said, which confused most of us. "What exactly are you getting at?" Karasuma asked as he moved to stand beside me. "Oh, did I not tell you guys our reason for coming to pick up the little tyke from school today? Silly me it must have just slipped my mind~" The cursed blonde cooed as the rest of my class grew interested, moving closer to hear what was to come next.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and she stepped over to me before patting the top of my head as if I were still in pre-school. "Basically by the end of this week you'll be back home, because your father and I are deciding to have you home schooled from now on... And I'll be staying home to be your new teacher." I gasped and shook my head as I backed away from her. I didn't want this at all, will I ever be able to make my own decisions in life?

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now