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Hey there and welcome back! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did creating it! Anyways, let's begin!

~Kai's POV~

I looked up from my schoolbag to find Koro-sensei in a kimono and wig with some make-up as well. I looked at him a bit oddly before realizing what he was supposed to be dressing up for. The upcoming Kyoto trip! I was rather excited to go on this trip with my class. At least this will let us take small break after those dreaded mid-terms.

In our P.E. class today with Mr. Karasuma we were informed of the fact that we'll still have to try and assassinate our teacher whilst in Kyoto. It didn't bring me down, however, since trying to assassinate our creature of a teacher is sort of fun to me. As the class ended we all gave a 'Yes sir' agreeing to our conditions before heading back inside.

"So we're splitting up into groups, huh? Hey Karma, Kai, wanna be with us?" I heard a small bluenette call to me in my seat in the back of the class. I stood up with a soft smile and excited flare in my eyes before walking over to them. "Yeah, sounds great to me Nagi!" I said as Karma walked up to us. "Count me in." He said. I took a glance at the rest of my group to find it was made up of Sugino, Kayano, Okuda, Nagisa, Karma, and myself.

Sugino had a bit of a concerned look on his face as he stated to speak. He asked Karma if he would be 'behaving himself' and if there would be any 'funny business'. "Yeah! Sure! Don't worry dude-" The redhead held up a picture of him and two other people, who of which looked to be in bad shape as they held up what seemed to be their IDs. A mischievously dark aura surrounded the boy. "When I stir up trouble out of town-" Devil horns and tail appeared on him. "Let's just say, I know how to keep witnesses from reporting it." He finished in an evil like tone and I shivered.

"Scary~" I said as Sugino started to yell at Nagisa about bringing Karma into our group. "Eh, what can I say we've been friends for a while." Nagisa responded. "So~ Koro-sensei said there was going to be a group with an extra person added to it, since we don't have the right amount of students. I just don't see a group with an added member anywhere though." I said looking around. Sugino then spoke saying that he had that covered before pulling over our class idol Kanzaki. I looked at her with a bright smile. "Wow, she's so pretty~" I said in awe before she thanked me.

She bowed to Nagisa and thanked him for letting her join the group. We then continued to talk together about where in Kyoto we wanted to visit. Soon enough after Bitch-sensei had started at yell at us, Koro-sensei walked in holding multiple stacks of huge books. We turned our attention to him with curiousness as to why he held those books. "One for each of you." The yellow creature finally said. "What are those sir?" Isogai asked to which he responded by telling us that these were field trip guidebooks. then in a flash he gave on out to each of us.

I almost fell down after the book was given to me. It was really heavy and I sighed staring down at the book. After that we pulled chairs over and sat around a desk that we had placed a map of Kyoto onto. We then continued our chat about where we were going to visit in Kyoto.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Koro-sensei's Tentacles~

After getting onto the train we would take to Kyoto we sat in our seats, and as soon as I had gotten to my seat, I found that my seat was right next to Karma's. I shrugged it off as if it was nothing and sat down before starting to play around with my other group members. I glanced over at Bitch-sensei who was forced to change, finding that she was acting as childish as ever, and I giggled at her. Each group seemed to be making their own fun during the ride.

Sugino soon brought up that he hasn't seen Koro-sensei this whole time. I actually started to wonder where the teacher was as well before noticing him clinging onto the side of the train through the window. I sweat dropped watching Nagisa ask why he was out there. We heard him say that he lost track of time whilst getting his precious 'munchies' and missed the train. He also said that he would get on at the next stop, though this was all muffled due to the wall of the train separating us. I sighed as he cloaked himself with the worst looking camouflage ever.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now