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Welcome back! This chapter is where Kai meets Karma! I wonder what her reaction to him will be. Any who~ on with the chapter!

~Kai's POV~

Today we were doing a new training strategy since Karasuma became our P.E. teacher. Karasuma talked with Koro-sensei a bit while we called out numbers for each strike we did. Koro-sensei called Karasuma insensitive and said that we liked it better when he taught us anyways. I tilted my head slightly as the other students said that he set the bar a bit too high. "Yeah, way too high." I said as we had a flashback to him using his teaching method with us.

Koro-sensei looked depressed by our answers. "Isogai, Maehara, step up. I want you to try to tag me with those knives." Karasuma said to the two boys who have now stepped up as told. "Wait, like as a team?" One asked. "Do you think that's a good idea?" The other asked him a bit unsure.

"The blades are harmless. They weren't designed to injure human beings. Tell you what, manage to hit me and you can go home for the day." He told them and they finally agreed to it before getting into a fighting stance. They then charged at him and ultimately failed at landing even a finger on him. 'Wow...' I thought as I watched.

"If you can't land a hit against a guy like me, you haven't got a prayer against a target who's top speed is mach 20. See we've been sparring for a half a minute and look, he's had time to change clothes, make tea, and build a model of a castle." Karasuma said looking at our yellow teacher.

'That's a bit irritating.' I thought as Karasuma helped the boys up from the floor they sat on. He gave us a small lecture on his class before ending his class. We bowed and thanked him. I started to talk with Nagisa a bit before hugging him. "Ugh I'm bored Nagi~" I said. "And how is that my problem?" "I dunno~" I giggled as he asked me to let him go. "Fine. I'll let you go." I took my hold off of him and sighed before crossing my arms.

We then heard the bell ring and started to walk back to class. I stood next to Nagisa and Sugino as I walked hearing them talk about an upcoming quiz today. "Crap~ I forgot to study last night! I hope I can remember enough to get a passing grade on it." I said before noticing Nagisa stop in his tracks. I stopped as well as he looked up at something. I did the same to find someone standing there. "Nagisa, sup? It's been a while." The person said.

"Karma, you're back?" Nagisa said as we stared at him. 'Karma? Who is he? How does Nagisa know him?' I thought watching the red head give him a closed-eye smile. I blushed faintly before glancing away at Nagisa. "By the way, who's that girl you're with? Did you go and get a girlfriend on me?" I blinked up at him and pointed to myself. "You mean me?" He nodded as Nagisa blushed and told him that was nowhere near correct. "We are just old friends Karma, like you and I!" He defended himself. "It's true. He is just my old friend." I stated.

"Oh hey, that must be the notorious Koro-sensei." That Karma guys said walking past all of us towards the teacher. I just watched a bit confused by him altogether. He then attacked Koro-sensei and took a part of his tentacle off of him.

"Woah..." I said as Kayano asked about what kind of person Karma was. I looked at him searching for that answer myself. "Uhh he and I were in the same class our first and second year. He was violent, so violent they finally suspended him and shipped him here. E class is where they send you when they don't know what else to do with you. The thing is under the circumstances, he might end up a star student." Nagisa said as Karma walked back towards the class E building.

After that we started our quiz while others talked I tried my best to concentrate and keep my eyes on my paper. Though it was pretty hard since Karma was making a ruckus and Koro-sensei definitely wasn't having it. He started to walk to Karma's desk before stepping on anti-sensei BBs and Karma tried to shoot him with his BB gun.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now