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Welcome back! I'm not going to say much today other than I love you so much, and I hope you enjoy! With that said, on with the chapter~

~Kai's POV~

After we got back to the place we'll be staying at, we wrapped up my wrists and ankles. Koro-sensei offered to bandage me up himself at his Mach 20 speed. We had told him that Mach 20 speed on something like this might hurt me more, so it ended up with another classmate of ours helping out. I thanked them before trying to place my gloves back on before they stopped me.

"Those gloves on top of your bandages probably won't help you to heal." They said, making me sigh. I knew they wouldn't give up until I gave in. So I did with a sweet smile, thanking them once again for caring so much about it.

Later I finally caught up with the rest of my group who were in the arcade. I had my new bandages on and my gloves in my hand. I walked up to them in the robes we were given and smiled before waving. "Heya, what's up?" I asked standing next to Nagisa. He turned to me with a small smile. "Nothing much, just watching Kanzaki play." He said a Kayano looked over to me. "So, how are you feeling? I'm actually surprised since this is my first time seeing you without your gloves on." She stated.

"I'm feeling better now and can walk a bit better. The only thing I'm not fully used to yet is my gloves not being on, it just feels so weird." I said, and before we could continue that conversation, Kanzaki used a special move so we started talking about her gaming skill.

Once we got back to our rooms we stared to talk about which guys we liked in our class. I personally don't have crush on anyone so when they asked me, I simply shrugged. "Oh come on Kai, we all know you like someone! More specifically a certain redhead in our class." Rio said and all of the other girls nodded. I eyed them curiously. "Eh? What do you mean?" I asked, clearly not knowing a thing.

"You like Karma, duh!" Kayano joined in and I faintly blushed. "No, I don't see that happening. In fact I like nobody a-at all." I stated and the looks the girls gave me showed they weren't having it. "I mean, this is the only time I've ever heard you stutter, if that isn't a dead giveaway then what is?" Fuwa piped up. "Yeah c'mon Kai, everyone sees the way you look at him, and you blushed earlier about a ship made between the two of you, you are even blushing right now! How obvious can you be!? I mean there has got to be something you like about him right?" Rio said with a smirk.

I started to think about it before answering. "Well... I guess I do like his hair, it's a nice shade of red, and his eyes are p-pretty, his smirk and his love for strawberry milk is c-cute..." I thought aloud before I blushed a dark red staring at them. "No way! I like Karma Akabane!" I squeaked and held my hands up to my face, shaking my head violently. "She was actually oblivious to her feelings this whole time!?" The girls said in unison before saying that they ship it.

My mind was running wild with questions. "I really need some help..." I sighed, finally starting to calm down. The girls then agreed to help me later on how to be less oblivious. I groaned sitting there, deep in thought until Ms. Bitch stepped in with beer to tell us to quiet down. She sat down with us and told us that she was only 20! I was a bit surprised by this fact and started to get an idea in my head.

Before I could go through with it, however, Koro-sensei appeared. He wanted to stay and listen to our 'girl talk', but we told him that in order to stay, he must tell us his love story. This made him disappear and run for it. "Oh no he's not!" I ran out with my anti-sensei knife and tried stabbing him, along with the other girls and the guys who showed up as well.

After that attack on Koro-sensei my ankles became horribly pained and I had to limp down the halls of our hotel. I wanted a drink so I was on a mission to find a vending machine. Somehow I actually found one, which surprised me. 'At least I get some more time to think before facing Karma or the girls again.' I sighed getting myself some juice, not really caring what I have at the moment. As soon as I pressed the button for my juice, an Akabane Karma turned around the corner and was walking towards me. 'Wonderful...' I thought before getting an extra drink of strawberry milk and turning to Karma, a drink in either hand. "Hey Akabane, catch!" I smiled before tossing him the drink.

He caught it and thanked me. "No problem." I said before leaning up against the wall next to the machine. I closed my eyes while drinking my juice before feeling a presence right next to me. I opened one eye before glancing next to me, Karma was standing there next to me and was looking at the wall ahead of us. I closed my eye once again before feeling an arm wrap around my shoulders, my eyes both opened and looked over to see a blushing redhead who was looking away from me.

Before truly reacting I put a hand up to his forehead. "Hey Karma, are you okay? Your face is red." I said looking up at him. He looked at me before chuckling. "You really are that oblivious, aren't you?" I smiled rubbing the back of my head. "Yeah, I get that a lot..." I said. "So, may I ask why are you standing out here by yourself when you're injured?" He asked. "Well for one I'm not alone because you're here, and two I'm out here because I wanted a moment to myself to think, the girls were questioning me a bit." I said and he looked at me curiously. "And why is that?" I blushed at the question, thinking back to the girls asking about who I liked.

"They were asking me about who I liked, and I of course said nobody." I said watching the redhead frown. "Though they helped me to realize that I was wrong, and I was just oblivious to the fact that I had feelings for someone." I finished seeing the boys expression change once more. "Who do you like? I promise not to tell anyone~" He playfully cooed with a wink and I sighed. 'I knew this was coming sooner or later...' I thought before looking him in the eyes. "Actually... it's you." I said as his eyes widened slightly, his face was now dusted red. I looked away from him. "... Sorry for bluntly telling you that... I think I'll just head off to bed now..." I finished up my juice quickly.

I started to limp away before my hand was grabbed and I turned around to meet a chest. I gave a small gasp before Karma hugged me spoke. "Don't be sorry. I actually wanted to tell you that I like you as well." My eyes widened at the sentence.

"I like you for so many reasons that I can't even list them all right now because itd. So, Kai, will you be my girlfriend? You don't have to, but I thought I'd at least ask." I looked up at him with a wide smile. "Well I just realized I had feelings for you tonight. Wait a little while and ask again, then we can, alright?" I wrapped my arms around him to hug him. "Alright." I giggled feeling him hug me tighter. 'Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all...' I thought to myself.

Hewwo~ Kai finally realized her feelings for Karma!!! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, I tried my best! By the way I'm sorry this chapter was so short, I didn't have to much time to work on it today! Cya next chapter then~

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now