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Enjoy~ Oh, and by the way, happy new year!

~Kai's POV~

I'll admit that when standing at the bottom of a huge cliff, it looks a little intimidating. I sighed and tried not to think about what might be waiting at the top for us. It didn't take long for Karma to notice the skeptic look I was giving off and ruffle my hair a little. I glanced at him and he winked at me, sticking his tongue out a little. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." He said and I nodded as Nagisa and Terasaka appeared by my other side, giving me a thumbs up.

I smiled and watched as my friends started climbing up the wall of rock. I then touched one of them, allowing it to freeze a part of the rocks and start making a staircase of ice up the cliff. As I started climbing it my friends took notice and became a little irked. "You could've done that before we started climbing!" They yelled and I nervously giggled as I scratched my cheek a little. "Sorry~ Better hurry before it melts~"

Once we made it into the building we found there was a lot of security, too much for us to sneak past. 'We just got in the place and we're already stuck?' I thought, thinking back to Rio's pained face when she was in my lap. 'No... I don't care. I'm not giving up, we don't have time for it.' I continued my inner monologue before Irina took the reigns and subdued all of the guards by playing a song on the piano for them. "I never knew she could play the piano." I said as she instructed us to get moving. "Never mind that. Shall we?" Karma said from beside me, holding his hand out to me.

I took his hand and he guided me towards the next set of stairs. After reaching the third floor we started walking off towards where the staircase would be located. It all went by so fast as we came up on one of the other visitors. Terasaka and his buddy tried rushing through, only to get pulled back by Karasuma as a cloud of purple fumes flew into his face. "Mr. Karasuma!" We cried out as the smoke cleared. Fuwa explained that she had seen him before when he gave us complimentary drinks at our previous location. "She's right." I started, taking a step forward, Karma's grip on my hand tightening slightly as I did.

Kayano accused the man of poisoning the drinks, only to be proved she had no evidence... Except we did. Fuwa cut in again and told us all about our day and how the only point in time any of us could've been poisoned was when we were given those drinks. I beamed at her. "You're absolutely amazing Fuwa!" I exclaimed as she credited her taste in detective manga, going on a mini rant about it as my eyes started to sparkle. "You like manga?" I asked, finally managing to escape Karma's grip, Fuwa nodded as I moved to whisper in her ear. "I've never delved into mystery manga, lend me some if you could once we're outta here?" I asked as she grinned and nodded towards me. "Mhm!"


Karasuma fell to the floor and we grew more worried for his state. Though we also noticed that our opponent was trying to retreat, as if we'd allow that. We all took our chance to block the nearest exit so he couldn't escape. Mr. K made it back to his feet by that point and quickly took out the man before falling back to the ground. "Mr. Karasuma!" We all made our way towards his limp body. Isogai happily took Karasuma into his care, holding the man up and carrying him for now. Right before we left I watched Karma pick up one of the canisters of poisons and stuff it into his pocket. "Just in case." He said, taking notice of my gaze. I nodded before following him after the class. As we continued down the corridors of the building Koro-sensei made a comment about summer being in full swing, a sun shaped marking on his face. It made us all just a little irritated.

"Of course you're the only one here that's excited. Nobody can get to you because of that shell!" I exclaimed as everyone else started to gang up on him as well. Nagisa gladly took the chance to swing our teacher around in circles to get back at him. Karma stopped him after a moment, asking Terasaka to take off his belt so he could shove the guy down his pants. I held in a laugh when Terasaka denied his request. "Karma, don't you think that's a bit cruel?" I asked and Terasaka nodded. "Yeah what she said!" He exclaimed as I continued. "I mean, just being in Terasaka's presence is bad enough~" I teased as irk markings appeared all over said ruffian's face.

"The hell did you just say!? Say it again I dare you!" He exclaimed with wide smirk before chasing me in circles around Karma's frame. Everyone else sweat dropped or laughed at our display. After a while Terasaka stood in front of Karma while I hid behind the redhead. Karma rolled his eyes at us before getting Terasaka off my back for me. I wrapped my hands around him from behind in return. "Thanks Karma." I said, though it came out muffled through the fabric of his shirt. "No problem Princess." He said as Koro-sensei began explaining the reason for his side comment.

Not long after that we found a man waiting for something out in the open on the fifth floor. He was probably waiting for us, no doubt. We all stood nearby lined up against the wall opposite from where he stood. The man suddenly broke the glass next to him and told us to come out. 'So he knew we were here...' I thought as we all stepped out. 'He talks rather weird doesn't he?' Of course the only one to bring it up to him would be Karma 'Why does he always say what we're thinking!?'

The guy who called himself Grip took out a walkie-talkie and started to call his boss to come take care of us, but Karma stopped him by smashing the device into the glass wall beside us. He started smack talking the guy as he usually would with anyone else... Though this time it felt a little different. "Karma, wait a min-" I started before Koro-sensei stopped me. He explained that his chin was down unlike before and that this time he would be handling this on his own. I played with the hem of my shirt's fabric with my hands before smiling.

"Give him hell Karma! I believe in you!" I exclaimed happily as the standoff between Grip and my boyfriend begun.

Hope you enjoyed and I'll cya next chapter!

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now