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~Kai's POV~

We all glanced up at the stage to find a man standing there with what seemed like a gun in hand. He started talking to himself about how many of us were here etc. before sending a warning shot. The guy told us that this place was completely soundproof, meaning if anyone goes down the chance of help coming in time is slim to none. I heard another gunshot and glanced around to find that Hayami had shot back.

This only amused the man before us as he turned on the stage lights. Blinding us to the point that we could barely see his shadow on the stage. 'What is up with this guy?' I asked myself as another shot was fired, barely missing Hayami, causing me to bite my lip to hold in a gasp. Koro-sensei made it to the front row thanks to Mr. K's help. Our balled up teacher then started shuffling us up by names. "... Kai! 8 seats right!" I heard and nodded before complying.

After a while of mixing up he started using code names for us. "Water Manipulator, two rows forward!" I heard and smiled. 'That must be me.' I thought and moved up. After a couple other calls I heard another nickname fly out into the open which I could only assume was referring to me. "Closet Otaku! 5 seats left!" I heard and an irk mark appeared on my head as I moved. "How did you even- Never mind! Just don't call me that!... Nobody is supposed to know..." I pouted and heard my boyfriend signature chuckles coming from nearby.

"Laugh it up! Just wait till I get my hands on you Akabane!" I exclaimed as I was told to move again. "I didn't know you were that eager to move forward in our relationship~ I don't think I'm ready for that yet~" Karma teased as I became a tomato. "Stop taking things out of context!" I exclaimed as we went through with our plan to trick the assassin before us. We took him out with ease, popping up from our hiding places and congratulating each other.

I gave a sigh of relief before slinging and arm around Nagisa's shoulders. "I'm proud of us, we did surprisingly well." I thought aloud and Nagisa nodded as we smiled at each other. Not before long I noticed Karma trying to sneak past me towards the next door we had to go through. He must've known I was being serious about getting back at him, but I had already seen him and released Nagisa from my grip.

"Oh Karma~" I cooed and noticed my boyfriend physically tense under my gaze, even though his back was facing me he knew better than to move. He started whistling to himself and glancing around as if he hadn't heard me. I took a step towards him with a smirk as he took one away from me. "I'll give you a five second head start. I suggest you get going~" I said and immediately he dashed off and I counted to five out loud before chasing after him.

"You're dead Akabane!"

Finally I managed to calm down and we all moved on towards what seems like the final boss. Though as we were making it there, Nagisa and I noticed Terasaka wasn't looking too good. We both went up to him whilst the class was distracted and placed a hand on either of his shoulders. "Are you alright Terasaka? You feel like Rio when she came down with that virus, sweltering hot." I explained and he smirked. "I'll take that as a compliment." He said and I scoffed at his behavior. "Terasaka, at least try and take this seriously." I said and he sighed as Nagisa piped up, making him clamp his hands down over our mouths and explain that he was ill, but he refused to stop here.

When he let go of us I spoke up again. "I understand Terasaka. If I were you I'd probably do the same so I can't blame you or tell you not to do it." I closed my eyes and stood next to him up against the wall as I got lost in thought. I clenched my hands up into fists as I grew angered. 'I honestly almost forgot why we're here doing this in the first place. My friends are dying right now and our clock is ticking. I even have living proof beside me to show how bad of trouble we're in. I can almost feel the heat radiating from his body like he's a furnace or something. Whoever did this will pay, that's for sure...' I thought and sighed.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now