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Welcome back my dears~ I don't have much to say today so on with the chapter I guess? P.S. Also warning for you guys, there may just be a slight bit of a trigger warning/mature content warning here. I dunno what to call it or even if I should call it anything...

~3rd Person POV~

"It's a girl!" Said the energetic doctor to the couple that had just had their first and only child to be. They gave happy smiles with sparks of hope in their eyes, little did anyone know that this would be the only time the couple's daughter would be able to witness her parents actually happy. Sadly the little girl wouldn't be able to remember it in a few minutes time with her small attention span.

After a little while the couple was able to take their child home to finally care and nurture her. Though as soon as they found that she had powers and a sad turn of events came along, life for the girl would drastically change, as would she.

~Kai's POV-2 Months Old~

I opened eyes to darkness, the only light I saw across this pitch black room was a pale blue light that emitted a small glow from the corner of the room somehow. Though in this room full of dark things frightened me so much that I barely noticed the nearby light source. I seemed to be trapped in some sort of cage like prison with only an opening at the top with something dangling above me. The darkness allow my imagination to run wild and so every figure I saw slowly turned more sinister. I looked to what lied above me to see the figures of waves following after a fish, a mermaid and a starfish, the actual creatures of the sea of which quickly changed to evil things, eyes glowing red and seemingly defiled now. As I looked around the room many things around me would become the same way.

I soon would cry, having enough of this scary business and wishing for someone to come and save me. The door to the room opened, showing that there was much more to this world than just this room, it made me reach out with one hand to grab for it as tears streamed down my face, I wished more than anything to be out there instead of in here. A woman walked in slowly and groggily looked down at me from her spot above me, giving a small and soft smile she moved her big finger into my small palm for me to hold and she hushed me and spoke gentle and calming words down to me in a whisper tone. She looked a mess, I wondered why. "Hey there, my little siren~ It's okay dear, Mommy's here." She would tell me. "Hm... How about we turn this thing on for you, your mobile of course and then I sing you my signature lullaby? I promise that I'll stay here until you fall asleep again as well, mother's honor~" I was slowly calming down and as soon as I heard her say she would stay I became ecstatic and cried out in sheer joy, though it only came out a happy gurgle to her, neither of us cared as she beamed. "So you like that idea do you? Alright then, let's get this little show on the road!" She whisper shouted and turned the thing above me on, it turned and a dim blue light came from it as a light tune played... And that was when she started to sing to me with the most angelic voice I've ever heard.

Unknown Object

((I do not own this song and all credit for this beautiful work goes to it's creator.))

As she sang to me I started to become more and more happy, that song would strip me of my sorrows and fears, whisking me away into a world of magic where anything was possible. Her continued singing made me drift off into my own world of imagination, the world would start off dark but begin to glow brighter and happier as I would hear the sounds of the sea calling to me when her song had finished. While my eyes closed and I left the real world for a few hours I could hear one last thing before I left. A giggle and a phrase...

"Goodnight, my dearest Siren."

Most nights would continue like that with me scaring myself awake and a women who called herself 'Mommy' coming in and turning on that mobile thing before singing me to sleep. Until one night as that wonderful women sang her song to me, I felt the sea call to me again, but this time I felt the need to respond and yet I had no idea how. All I did was hold my hands up as her song finished instead of falling asleep this time, she gave me a perplexed look before a pair of hands appeared above mine and she gasped as she realized they were made of water, I clapped and the hands of water began to clap along with me. I giggled having such a fun time with this experience, the 'Mommy' person giggling too, I don't exactly think she knew how to respond to such a thing in the first place, but it was enough to make me excited as the water hands disappeared we both looked to each other with bright smiles. She seemed to be so understanding of something she had no idea about and could barely wrap her head around. She actually looked sort of proud as she poked my cheek a bit. "Now that's my little Siren for ya. I wonder what other surprises you have in store for me Kai. Just don't tell your Daddy about these new found powers of yours yet, let me do it gently because if he sees this he'll definitely freak." The slim and black haired woman smiled slightly nervously at me.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now