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Wassup! Welcome back to another one of my extra chapters, I hope you enjoy this chapter~ This chapter is going to be more of a crossover-ish chapter. Let's see if you can guess which anime crossover this is before Kai finds out herself. Now let's begin!

~Kai's POV~

I woke up slowly to find myself sitting at a desk in a classroom alone. "Did I fall asleep for the whole school day?" I asked myself before standing and looking around.

"Wait a minute... This isn't my classroom, and this isn't a main campus classroom either." I looked towards where the windows of the classroom should be to find iron plates over them.

"What in the..." I walked over to the plates and pulled on them.

"What in the world is this?... What is happening, and why does this seem so familiar?..." I said before finding a note on the teacher's podium. Picking it up I started to skim through it. I didn't actually pay attention to anything except for one sentence of the letter, it said to meet at the gym at 8 sharp. I was of course confused by this as many questions popped into my head. 'Whoever wrote this letter said to "meet" in the gym, who am I meeting? AND WHY IN THE WORLD DOES THIS FEEL SO FAMILIAR!?' I thought as I looked up at the clock.

"Five minutes till eight... No way am I going to make that." I said before stepping out of the classroom I was in.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Hope~

After mapping my way through the maze of hallways I was met with after leaving the classroom, I made my way to the gym a I was told to. 'This place feels so eerie and creepy, something isn't right....' I thought before sighing and opening the doors of the gymnasium. I was met with blinding light, and soon enough, that light faded and I saw... All of my classmates from class 3-E!? I saw some of their faces light up as they saw me. "Kai! You're here as well?" I heard a voice say from nearby.

I looked over to the source of the noise to find
Shiota Nagisa, who was standing next to a certain green haired girl. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Nagi~ I can't believe you guys are here too~" I said before pulling away from him and smiling at Kayano who stood with us. She smiled back before Nagisa spoke again.

"It's good to see you too Kai. Though, did you by any chance wake up in a classroom by yourself?" I nodded at his question.

"Actually yes, isn't that weird?" I asked and he was the one to nod this time.

"That's how we all woke up here..." Kayano spoke.

"Hm... Oddly this place and situation seems familiar to me..." I said and they turned to me with weird looks.

"How so?" I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned to it to find Karma and smiled up at him. 'Good, at least he's here.' I thought before answering him.

"I feel like I've seen this somewhere before... Like in an anime I've watched." I whispered the last part before looking around to examine the area a bit more. I saw the bleachers on either side of us, which didn't seem interesting to me, and a stage in front of us. I started to feel the puzzle pieces put themselves together as I looked over the stage. I slowly looked at the podium in the center of the stage, it had a small banner on it. It was red and white with an odd looking design on it. Then it finally hit me, I gasped as my eyes widened.

"No... Way..." I said and my friends around me turned to me with concerned expressions.

"What's wrong Kai?" I heard Kayano ask me whilst the others nodded.

"T-This is... Hopes Peak High... We are going to be stuck here, and have to kill each other to leave..." Suddenly as I finished that sentence, Monokuma, the despair loving bear appeared on the stage. 'We are stuck in the anime Danganronpa...'

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now