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Hello again readers! Nice to see all your beautiful smiling faces again. Now, before I start a compliment rant, let's begin!

~Kai's POV~

Today we were working on hand to hand combat in P.E. class. I was against Rio today and it didn't go to bad, throwing small hits back and forth, blocking it all the same. 'Man, sometimes it's hard to hold back with my hits... I've gotta tell them soon about my powers and my previous training. Otherwise some of the skills I have will cause confusion among the others...' I thought with an internal sigh.

Before I had joined E Class it had been easy for me to hold back on using my fighting abilities against others. Especially because I didn't need to use them, that is, until I joined E Class. Ever since I became a part of this class of assassins, it's been getting harder to hold back since I have to use fighting skills here. My overall skills have really been put to the test...

Soon enough I had Rio's arms pinned behind her back as she gave an 'uncle'. I giggled and let her go before giving her a high five. "Sorry Rio, but I had to end that fight somehow. I hope you don't mind the way I did it though." I said and she reassured me that we were all good. "Kay~"

Then Karasuma got us to come at him ourselves during the training. Rio went first, then a few others, just before Nagisa and I were up. "You wanna do it together, Nagi?" I asked him, referring to the sparring with Mr. K. He nodded and we smiled at each other before getting into position to attack with our anti-sensei blades.

Karasuma seemed to be amused by this as we went at him, Nagisa going for his front, myself sneaking to his back. Nagisa went in for his attack and I did the same, though the block that came at us was rougher than expected, so we ended up on the ground. "Ugh... Owie~" I whined and rubbed the back of my head.

Mr. K apologized and helped us up. "It's okay sir, but you owe me some sweets in return for my killer headache I've got." I pouted and Karasuma smirked, uttering a light chuckle, before reluctantly agreeing to bring them for me when he got the chance. We all then made sure that we were both okay before the bell rang to end this class.

As he left we had asked Mr. K if he wanted to grab a bite to eat with us, which he declined for the work he must catch up on is great. Once Karasuma reached the top of the steps leading back to our shack of a school building, we noticed him stop in front of somebody. Somebody we had never met before.

"A new teacher!? Wow, they're going all out with us!" I exclaimed as the strange new face walked up to us. You could see the brightness of his smile from miles away, the thing was...

I could tell that it was fake...

You could tell from his eyes, they were dead, and stone like. Even his aura seems to be hiding something! He just feels and looks off sorry to say it. I usually love anyone and everyone like they are my family before I even get to know them, and yet, this time sadly I just can't do that for him.

"Yo! Name's Akira Takaoka and I'm here to give your gym teacher a hand. Pleased to meet 'cha, gang! So whaddya say? Ready to have fun?" He gave us all a closed eye smile with his statement. Nope. Still don't like him. Now I'm even more suspicious of him than I was before.

After that I had realized why he had so many bags with him. He brought us sweets. He scattered them across a blanket on the ground for us to enjoy. Though I don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth so I stood nearby the group with my arms crossed. I think the rest of the group could feel my odd vibe coming from me, because they all would sneak glances at me then Nagisa, right before he stepped over to me.

"Hey, why aren't you eating some? I thought you liked sweets." He said with an eclair in hand. "I can't Nagi. I don't like this Takaoka guy. He gives me this odd vibe, like he's got something to hide y'know? Don't you feel it to?" I asked, uncrossing my arms and glancing at him curiously. "Yeah... I don't know how to feel about him, but I see what you mean, Kai. Though this is the first time I've ever heard you say that you don't like someone so it must be something serious." He told me and I nodded. "Very. I just don't trust him at all, and I don't think you should either."

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now