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Welcome back, you know the drill by now!

~Kai's POV~

Sugino invited a couple of us to go bug hunting with him in the forest by our satellite campus. I'm not particularly in love with bugs, but I don't hate them either so I decided to go. I tried getting Karma to go though he told me he would be too busy packing and prepping for the trip to do so. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around Nagisa's neck from behind, leaning onto him a little for support. 'It doesn't matter, because I still have my Nagi with me!' I thought as Nagisa just pet my head, used to this behavior by now. Since it is summer vacation I decided to wear a better suited outfit for this heat.

Nagisa then asked Sugino why exactly he brought us out here in the first place. He said he didn't want the guys back where he lives catching him hunting for insects, he is a city boy, but that doesn't mean nature doesn't fascinate him or something like that. I wasn't exactly listening because a mid-length and darkly colored bug with a lighter looking rear end caught my eye. I removed myself from Nagisa and walked over to the tree it sat upon, I watched it as it stayed there, not moving as if it were asleep. This one must be nocturnal, but what is it?

By the time I snapped back to reality Maehara was prancing around and talking about winning girls over in Okinawa with money from selling stag beetles. "Why am I not surprised?" I asked myself, referring to the player that was now parading around me and telling me to lighten up a little. I rolled my eyes playfully as we heard a light-hearted voice from above. "That's not going to work." The feminine voice started. "I know that voice..." I trailed off as I looked up into the trees to find where the voice had been coming from. "Kurahashi, how's it going?" I asked with a smile when I finally saw the girl.

She smiled back and greeted us all before jumping down from her perch to continue on about bugs. Kurahashi then proceeded to crush Maehara's dreams of getting rich and picking up chicks using stag beetles. She explained her love of bugs to us and how she has quite a few traps for bugs around here that could get us some money for Okinawa if we were in. We all agreed to checking out her traps, but before we left I had a question to ask. "Kurahashi?" I said, prompting the girl to turn to me with a confused look. "Hm?"

I walked over to the bug I had just found before she appeared. I pointed to it before speaking. "Could you identify which bug this is for me? I found it earlier and I just can't put my finger on what it is." Kurahashi made her way to the tree the bug sat upon. After examining it a little she realized what it was. "This is a firefly! It's nocturnal so at a time like this I'm not surprised it'd be sleeping, but I am surprised it's so out in the open. Usually I can't find one just openly sitting out here." She told me. "So that's why it's a lighter color at the end." I realized and she nodded. "I'm pretty sure fireflies are known for starting up the summer season in Japan, right?" Nagisa asked and Kurahashi nodded once again, suggesting that we start heading towards the traps now.

We were rather impressed by the traps our classmate had set and ended up running into Okajima whilst checking them. He then told us about his trapping efforts and how he'd be raking in a lot more cash if his trap worked as planned. Curious as to what he meant by that we followed him towards an adult themed trap made specifically for Koro-sensei.

He was pretty confident in what he was doing and seemed to actually make a specific stash of magazines our teacher was interested in. Okajima then pulled out a magazine with a knife stationed securely inside as he told us that pornography would ultimately save the world. 'He's so cool somehow!' We all looked at him with the same surprised face before we took notice of our teacher, who was oddly dressed up like a giant stag beetle with tentacles. His eyes stretched outwards as he made a 'dwee!' noise.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now