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Hello and welcome back! Without further ado, shall we jump straight back into the story?

~Kai's POV~

As my gloves came off I felt free to fight as I please, like I feel in the E-Class, free to be whoever I choose to be. That was when I looked around in this mental arena and realized that this still is E-Class. On paper we are fighting separately but in this arena we are all together and fighting alongside each other. It made me smile at how well our class comes together like puzzle pieces.

I watched the monster before me draw near and I quickly sprang into action one it was only a couple feet in front of me, smirking once I took notice of the brunette from the big five running up behind the monster. 'They still plan on playing dirty huh? Just waiting for me to distract the question so they can make the final blow? I don't think so.' Ice suddenly appeared on the ground moving upwards in a staircase formation I ran up the staircase as fast as it appeared. Soon enough I made it onto the top of the monster's head and watched as it curled it's hand into a fist before trying to strike me. I jumped into the air and out of the way of the blast, letting the monster accidentally hit itself on the head.

"H-How is she doing that so easily!? She isn't even using the weapons that were given to her!" The brunette below me exclaimed as I fell back down towards the hand of the beast. I plunged my sword straight through it's hand and head, making a symbol I interpreted as 'correct' appear on the spot I hit before the question disappeared. "And she got it right... Whoa..." I heard as I hopped onto my ice staircase which melted and changed into a literal water slide. Once I made it down I turned to the brunette who stared at me in shock and awe. "And that's why you should never underestimate someone, whether they are below you on the food chain or not, because one day they might just rise up to take your place." I said with a smile before running off to help Nagisa defeat another question that had appeared. Little did I know a strawberry blonde and a redhead were standing nearby and watching me as well.

~Asano's POV~

I watched as that raven haired girl took out a beast all by herself and put one of the other big five members to shame. "How is she-How is she able to manipulate water like that? I didn't know those things were possible here." I softly spoke and looked to my right to find that Akabane slacker watching her with his signature smirk. Though I have seen this look on his face before, I now realize that there is something different about him this time... His eyes were sparkling a little as he watched her, his pupils wee slightly dilated and he is standing a bit taller than I remember. I've heard rumors that the redhead had recently started dating the most popular girl in school Kenda Kai, but I didn't think that the girl over there beating my men would end up being her!

I couldn't clearly see her face so I didn't know if it was her yet, but the prideful way he is watching her is very obviously hinting at it. "You seem different lately Akabane. Are you possibly going soft for that girl over there? You have been staring longingly at her this whole time." I spoke and he ignored me, not even dignifying me with a response! Though once I returned my attention to that girl I realized why, she was skillfully plowing through all questions surrounding her with such grace and ease, it almost made me want to grind my teeth in irritation at how easy she was making this test look. As the black haired female had slain another question I had finally gotten a glimpse of her face and saw that it really was Kenda Kai, she matched every description of her I had ever heard at least since I never truly met her in person.

Out of the blue Akabane cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. "Hell yeah! That's my girl!" I jumped a little at his sudden proclamation which caused the neanderthal next to me to smirk. "What?~ Getting scared now are we?~" He teased and I scoffed with a faint blush of embarrassment. 'Never mind, he hasn't changed one bit.' I thought as I turned away and crossed my arms.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now