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Welcome back my friends! Hope you enjoy this chapter, now let's begin!

~Kai's POV~

I walked down the hallways of the class E building next to my good friend Okuda. She had reached out to me last night and asked me to help her out with a new concoction she had been working on. So after I told her that I was all for it, we decided to get to class an hour and a half earlier to work on it together. I was carrying an empty beaker in each of my hands and Okuda was holding the few other things needed to create this new potion.

"Hey Okuda? I forgot to ask you, but what's this potion supposed to do exactly?" I asked the girl who seemed to be excited about this. She looked at me with a bright smile before answering. "It's supposed to be a serum that will speed up the growing process of plants!" She exclaimed with a spark of joy and adventurousness in her eyes. I giggled at her adorable enthusiasm before she apologized for getting a bit too excited.

I shook my head at her. "No, no, no, don't be sorry when expressing your love for your passion. That serum, it sounds pretty cool, and could be very useful to others!" I beamed at her. "You are far too ni-" She started before tripping and falling in the middle of the hallway! I quickly moved and placed my arm in front of her so she would stop falling. She seemed to be tightly holding onto the materials she had with her, so nothing was ruined for the experiment, and her eyes were shut tightly as well until I sat her down carefully on the floor.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Okuda's Glasses~

We finally finished Okuda's little serum! It took a little while, but we did it. "Hooray!" I cheered as Okuda smiled at me. "Now we just need to test this and then get this into proper containment." She said, starting to walk outside.

Once we were outside, we happily tested a drop of the serum on a little flower. After a few seconds of waiting the flower that had just barely been budding was full grown. "So it really does work!" We said in unison before celebrating together. "Well, time to get this into proper containment." Okuda spoke walking towards me so she could get past and go inside.

Just as she did, however, she tripped for the second time today! It was so unexpected that I couldn't catch her, or the serum that had fallen out of her hands when she fell. So ultimately Okuda ended up kneeling on the ground in front of me, who had just gotten splashed with the serum that was all over the ground now.

I was stuck in a purple cloud for a moment, and when the cloud finally dispersed I looked around curiously. I looked down to find my clothes were barely clinging onto my skin, and were practically off of my body. Then when I looked up, I had to look extra high up to see Okuda, who had a panicked look on her face. "K-Kai?" She spoke. I tilted my head at her, not understanding why she was so panicked.

"Okuda, what's wrong? Is it about the serum? I'm sorry..." I said sadly, taking notice of my voice suddenly sounding higher pitched as she frantically shook her head no. "N-No, that's not it! It's just that... Well..." She started. "Well what?" I asked still not understanding what the problem was.

"Well uh, we might have a slight problem...See for yourself." She said and pulled out a pocket sized mirror and turning it to me so I could see myself. I'm a child again... I'M A CHILD AGAIN!? My eyes widened as I saw the little girl in front of the mirror, I almost thought this was a prank when I saw myself. My face was more chubby, like a child's would be, and had bigger blue eyes than before.

"I'm a child again!? How did this happen!?" I exclaimed feeling my face, more so with my sleeves than my hand because my clothes were too big on me now. "I don't know! We haven't really tested the serum on a human yet so I guess these are it's effects!" Okuda said, thinking of possible explanations.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now