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So I noticed that today was my favorite blue boi's birthday, which now caused my extra chapter to become a birthday chapter! Hope you enjoy and happy birthday Nagisa!

~Kai's POV~

It was about 9 in the morning and today was Nagisa's birthday. Luckily we had off of school today, and of course being the good friend I am, I made sure to have something special planned... Even though he kept refusing to let me do anything for him because he didn't want to cause any problems.

~Flashback Time- To A Few Days Before This~

"Oh c'mon Nagi, let me do something for your birthday! It's a special day that should be celebrated!" I exclaimed as Nagisa and I walked down the mountain, Karma sadly staying after class today, Nagisa made a big X with his arms. "No Kai, I don't want you to waste your money to do something for me! So no presents or anything else that is special!"

"Nagi~" I whined to him and he shook his head no. "Nagi, how about this? For your birthday we go on a day long shopping trip together? I won't buy a thing for you during the whole trip unless you ask me to, and we just have fun together, sound good?" I tilted my head slightly, and with that he finally agreed. "Fine, I know you won't let this go until I agree anyways..." He said and I nodded before sticking my tongue out with my hand in a peace sign. "Hehe~ Yep! Make sure to meet me by the anime manga shop at 10:30 A.M. okay?" He nodded in response whilst I began to grow excited for the trip as we walked.

~Flashback Time Over- Back To The Present Time~

"Sigh~ I can't believe Nagi doesn't want anything special for his birthday!~ Though I made sure to plan something good anyways! I never promised him that I wouldn't do something special anyways!" I said to myself as I brushed my hair, closing my empty hand into a fist. I called Rio the same night that Nagisa and I agreed to the shopping trip and told her my situation.

Now when we finish up our long day of shopping, we'll be heading over to Rio's place to 'hang out'. Though instead of finding Rio, he'll find a surprise party waiting for him. We invited the whole class to the party, some are coming early to help set-up before we get there, which will be around 6 when the sun is setting. "I think I'm ready now, time to head out to meet Nagi."

I went quickly over to the nearest mirror, which was the bathroom mirror. Deciding that I looked good, I walked out and towards our usual meeting spot. It was about 10 now, wow time sure flies. I was wearing a cute outfit with my added gloved, I especially liked this outfit because it was inspired by an anime character that I love, Haruka Nanase from Free!. Though I like the Nagisa from Free! better...

I skipped down the street merrily until I came to our regular meeting spot in front of the anime and manga shop. I sat down on a bench outside and waited. 'Today is a special day so I can't afford to look at manga!' I thought with my eyes sparkling. I quickly pulled out my phone to call Rio and check on her. It rang at least two times before she picked up.

"Hello~ Rio speaking~" Her voice sounded from the phone and I giggled. "Yo, Rio! How's it going?" I asked her as I heard a few voices around her. "Good! Kayano and Kanzaki have just arrived and are on cake duty! How's it going over there?" She responded. "Well that's good, I'm just waiting for Nagi-" I was suddenly interrupted by someone's voice behind me.

"Hey Kai! Who're you talking to?" I yelped and jumped a few feet into the air before looking over to see Nagisa standing next to the bench I sat at. "Oh, hey Nagi~ Nobody important~" I said trying to play it off calmly and give the signal to Rio to say I was now with Nagisa. To show at she understood what was happening, Rio quickly said that she has to go and said goodbye before hanging up. I put my phone away and turned back to Nagisa, who seemed to have just shrugged off what had happened.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now