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Welcome back lovelies and I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I don't really have much to say as of yet so on with the chapter I guess!

~Kai's POV~

We were all out in the forest today studying with Koro-sensei for the upcoming finals. Was I excited? No. Did I plan on getting a top spot? Hell yeah, I wanted to knock out one of my teacher's tentacles this time around! I wanted all the help I could get with this round of tests so I went to the smartest person I know for back-up, Karma. He doesn't exactly like to study from what I know because he claims that even without a textbook he can ace the exams meaning there isn't any use in studying for him... I don't believe him for a second though. He always puts on a tough and carefree act, but I don't think that is really who he is on the inside. Back to what I was saying however, he doesn't like studying for himself, but he said he was glad to help me with my problematic subjects to pass the time.

So we ended up studying in the forest with the others but we were a couple feet away sitting up in the trees to keep the class from watching our little 'love fest'. We were sitting on a high and sturdy branch in the tree with Karma up against the trunk of the tree and me leaning up against his chest with a math textbook in my hands and a couple more textbooks sitting in front of us on the little room of the we had left. "If I can drop this and then add this here... I should have eight right?" I asked as I finished writing out my work and looked up at Karma from my spot on his chest and he shook his head before taking a hold of my hand that held my pencil. "Not quite, Princess~ Here let me show you how to do it~" He purred into my ear as I faintly blushed before gulping and nodding.

He redid the problem with me and showed me each individual step on how to do it correctly, adding little notes here or there to remind me of what I should look out for during each step. Suddenly he wrote down an equal sign and a number next to it before circling it. "Done, now do you see what you did wrong?" The redhead asked me and I nodded before pointing the pencil we both were holding onto at a number two. "I forgot to carry the two here?" I question and he nodded, petting me with his free hand. "Nice work! I'm so proud of you~" He cooed and I rolled my eyes. I sighed a breath of relief that I was finally getting this and leaned into Karma's chest a bit more as my eyes closed. "Thanks Karma, but let's take a break for a little while okay? We've been working for a long time and deserve some type of rest." I said and he agreed before moving his hands from where they were to wrap around my waist. "Your wish is my command."

Suddenly whilst we were sitting there we heard something below us. An all too familiar voice in fact. "I told you we'd find them here. I overheard them agreeing to study here instead of with the class, giving them time to be all lovey dovey without us around." I heard with an accompanying signature snicker. We both tensed a little and I cracked my eyes open as we both glanced down to see the class watching us with wide smirks. We realized exactly who led them here and who had spoken a moment ago once said culprit saw our gazes slowly looking across the crowd for who did it. It became even more obvious once the yellow creature up and tried to sneak away from us. "Koro-sensei..." We both said darkly with evil looking expressions as he stiffened up and turned to look at us nervously. "Y-Yes?" He stuttered out as the class watched curiously.

Karma and I looked towards each other and smirked as we nodded as if we were communicating through gazes. Then we turned t our teacher again and I held out my empty hand towards him. Karma slowly sneaking his anti-sensei BB gun out of it's hiding spot in his jacket. Koro-sensei then had a thick blanket of water wrap simultaneously around his body to keep him from moving around as well as make his tentacles swell up. Karma then carefully aimed his BB gun at our teacher who was quickly glancing around panicked, knowing that the others wouldn't help him out of this since they had the same goal of killing him in mind we all realized that he was royally screwed... Or at lest he should've been.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now