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Oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage. Honestly that's how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. Anyways shall we begin?

~Kai's POV~

After playing a couple rounds of hide and seek in my house and tag in my backyard we came back inside to watch a horror movie. Half of the class got scared by the movie, so scared in fact that we had to turn the movie off, causing the other half of the class to sigh at, comfort, or laugh at the rest of us.

~Flashback Time- To Just a Few Moments Ago~

We were watching a movie about a cursed doll wreaking havoc on a small town tonight. Of course it just had to be Karma and Rio's idea, though I didn't know exactly why they were smirking so widely when they suggested it, I could tell since it was coming from those two it wouldn't be good. They tried suggesting we go watch the movie in my room, but I hadn't cleaned up my manga stash as well as my other messes from the floor yet so I quickly refused and changed their minds, pushing them all towards my living room. The seating arrangement is a bit hard to explain but I'll try. Isogai and Maehara were sitting on the left end of my couch whilst Chiba and Hayami were sitting on the right. In the dead center of the couch sat Terasaka and his gang huddled together. On the floor in front of Chiba and Hayami sat Okajima, Kataoka, Yada, Fuwa and Hara. In front of Terasaka's gang sat Sugino, Kanzaki, Mimura, Sugaya, Okano, Kimura, and Takebayashi.

Moving of to those who sat in front of Isogai and Maehara. It was Okuda, Rio, Karma, Me, Nagisa, and Kayano. The only people left were Koro-sensei, Bitch-sensei and Mr.K. Karasuma and the bitch got here a little bit after Karma and I did, they were tricked into believing that an emergency was going on here with the class, but instead it was just a plot to get Irina and Mr.K over here to dress them up and force them to stay here just like us. Koro-sensei sat under my coffee table whimpering in pure fear whilst the two other teachers sat off to the side and sweat dropping at him. Irina held a close and rather tight hold of Karasuma's arm, which annoyed him but she had such a death grip that he couldn't pry her off no matter how hard he tried. So he just sighed and turned to the movie, earning a triumphant look from Bitch-sensei.

As the movie progressed Koro-sensei had found his face glued to the T.V. screen, shouting out to the characters in the movie to run or look out even though they clearly couldn't hear him, which annoyed most of us, though I just sweat dropped. Irina gripped onto Karasuma tighter and almost cut off his blood circulation, making Karasuma excuse himself to make popcorn which I of course approved of. He nodded at me as thanks and I winked back at him as if to tell him to not keep his lady waiting, causing him to scoff at me as I giggled a little.

This made Rio and some of the others look at me oddly to which I rolled my eyes. "Oh c'mon guys! I know we all want to get them together and all, I'm one of the first people who started shipping them together here so I would know, but she was literally cutting off his circulation and we can't have him lose his arm right!?" I whisper shouted at them and they sighed before nodding in agreement and turning back to the movie. Since the movie was being ruined by Koro-sensei's yells and protests by now, Rinka, Chiba, and Terasaka's gang were just rolling their eyes and chuckling under their breath to each other about how many cliches they caught in the movie. Maehara was jumping into Isogai's arms everytime something scary appeared on screen.

Okajima would make pervy comments about all of the women he saw in the movie which disgusted the girls next to him. Sugino would try and talk to Kanzaki but would be cut short by a jump scare which made him jump straight onto her. Mimura would talk to Kanzaki whenever she wasn't busy with Sugino and his antics. Sugaya, Okano, Kimura, and Takebayashi were all whispering to each other about the special effects in the movie.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now