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Welcome back readers! I don't have to much to say today since my brain is dead at the moment, but I hope you like what I've written so far! With that said, let's begin!

~Kai's POV~

During our game Irina ran outside with us to ask Koro-sensei for some coffee. 'She came out here just for coffee?...' I thought to myself watching the interaction between teachers. Of course with Koro-sensei being Koro-sensei he agreed to her request and quickly flew off.

As soon as he left, the bell rang. Isogai then asked Irina if we should head inside since the bell had rung. "Sure, whatever, knock yourselves out. Teacher needs peace and quiet though, so make it a study hall." She said with her voice changing from sweet to bitchy in a matter of seconds. I also noticed she was smoking. 'Good example you're setting there...' I thought before sighing.

"And another thing, let's agree not to call me Miss when the octopus isn't around. And we're definitely not on a first name basis, so drop it. When he is around call me Ms. Jelavić." She stated and everyone went silent.

'I could call you so many other things right now, but I'd rather not.' I thought as Karma spoke up from beside me. "Heh, so what's your game Ms. Jelabitch?" He asked with his usual smirk as she yelled at him for no nicknames. I held in a laugh at his words.

Then the two started speaking with one another before Irina turned to Nagisa. "Speaking of which, you're Shiota Nagisa, right?" She then stepped over to him and gave him a kiss. I watched with a shocked expression. She asked him to bring any information he had on the octopus to the faculty lounge in ten minutes.

She then turned to us and said if we had any info to give it straight to her. "Oh and a word of warning from those of us who know our job, get in the way and you die." I felt as if she was sort of directing that statement towards me since I tried to assassinate Koro-sensei earlier.

As soon as she started walking away I pulled Nagisa into a tight hug and cried big fat anime tears. "Aww my poor Nagi~ First you get your first kiss before me and then what!?~" I then gasp and take a hold of his shoulders as I pull away slightly. "Don't tell me it's your virginity!!!~" I pull him back into the embrace, but a bit tighter than before. "No~~~ I will never let that happen to my Nagi~ He's too innocent~"

Then I hear Nagisa speak against me, his voice being muffled. "Let... Go... Can't... Breathe..." I of course let go immediately and apologize to a bright red Nagisa. I look around to see the others laughing and I start to laugh a bit too. "Sorry about that heh..." I smiled at them with a faint blush of embarrassment. Then some of the perverted students said that they would give me my first kiss. I felt myself get the chills at that and shook my head quickly. "No thanks." I immediately shut them down.

Then we finally went inside and sat in our seats, but we had to be silent so it wasn't much fun, nor was it a learning experience since she wasn't teaching us anything. She was just sitting there and planning out an assassination attempt. 'Ugh... If she's not going to teach us anything then I'm just going to leave and train for a while.' I thought to myself as I propped my head up on my hand.

I looked towards the other side of the room with my eyes landing on Karma who was relaxing quietly. He noticed my gaze however and we made eye contact. I blushed looking away to the window as he smirked and looked towards the front of the room.

Soon enough the other students asked Ms. Jelavić if she was an actual teacher who was going to teach us. They also used her newest nickname Ms. Jelabitch which made me smile a little as she yelled at us. I turned to her as she explained how to say her name correctly. "Bite your lower lip and hum!" She yelled and we all did so. "V, excellent! Now practice that sound quietly for the next hour while I ignore you." We all just gave her glares after that.

After a while we went to our P.E. class with Mr. Karasuma. We were practicing our hand to eye coordination as we shot our BB guns at fake targets. During the lesson we all noticed Koro-sensei and Irina head into the shed. "Mr. Karasuma sir, I get it she's a pro, but she's not exactly easy to work with." Someone said. "I agree." I stated as Karasuma apologized for it.

We watched the shed, hearing many different noises coming from inside. "Um..." We all sweat dropped listening to some lewd sounding noises that came from the shed. We soon ran over to the shed to see what had happened in there. The perverts of course asked perverted questions when the two stepped out. "I didn't know that you all could be so perverted." I said to myself with a sigh.

Nagisa asked for an explanation from Koro-sensei and his face changed to his blank face. "Uh adults sometimes need special care." He answered and I turned to him. "I don't trust that look." We said in unison to our teacher before he brought us inside.

Back in Irina's class again she started getting more and more upset. "Wow, looks like Ms. Jelabitch is pissed off. I know my pride would be in shambles if my plan went tits up." Karma said and I rolled my eyes at the statement while Irina got even more pissed if that was possible.

Isogai tried to get Koro-sensei back in the classroom so we could get better prepared for our entrance exams coming up. Irina laughed at him and spoke. "You wanna swap me out for that disgusting creature!? You're worried about entrance exams when the planet is on notice? Must be paradise not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground. Give it a rest, even if the Earth wasn't on the brink of destruction, entrance exams are for students with a future. News flash, that's not any of you losers. How about this kids, forget the studying, help me brainstorm on how to kill the octopus and I'll give you a nice percentage of the reward money? That's the best deal any of you E class jerk offs are gonna get out of life. Otherwise knock it off with the whining and-"

Her rant was stopped by the others throwing things at her in anger. I just sat there with an annoyed look on my face with a closed fist and a tick mark on my face.

After she left I went back to sitting there boredly. "That woman gets on my last nerve and I swear she'll be the one to push me over the edge." I shook my head as we went outside to play a game of assassination bad mitten. Soon before heading back inside and talking with everyone.

After a little while of that, Irina walked back into the classroom. 'So she returns...' I thought as she walked up to the board and started writing on it. We all then sat down as she started to actually teach for once. "Read it aloud." She said pointing to a sentence she had just written on the board. "You are incredible in bed." We all said in unison. I saw Nagisa blush at her example as she explained it and I smiled with a faint blush of my own.

She continued to explain until she came to the end. "Oh and, I'm sorry for being, such a bitch." Irina said and I stared at her in a bit of awe before laughing with the rest of the class. We then decided to find a better fitting name her and suggested more names using bitch in them. She on the other hand tried to convince us to drop the bitch thing.

We told her the bitch thing wouldn't go away for a long time and continued to suggest names. "What about Bitch-sensei?" I asked and the class agreed with that whilst she started to yell at us again. We only laughed at her yells and screams.

Hewwo~ Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter I'm going to add in and extra chapter to open up our eyes to another side of Kai that hasn't been seen yet. Welp, it's time for me to take my leave, so cya next chapter~

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now