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Welcome back! Hope you enjoy, now on with the chapter!

~Kai's POV~

During P.E. today we were told that there was a competition going on between Bitch-sensei and Lovro, her you could say teacher. They pretty much just have to 'kill' Karasuma before the other can, of course it's a fake assassination. I knew this would only end in none of us making progress, so as soon as I saw Irina, I decided to sneak away from the class and made my way to the cliff Karma had fallen off of before.

I sat down next to the tree branch that he had sat on, meaning that I was sitting on the edge of the cliff. I looked down into the trees below as my legs dangled from the cliff. 'Hm... I wonder if my powers could help me land safely in a fall from this height. Maybe I should test it.' I thought as I held up a gloved hand to the sun. Soon enough the lunch bell rang and I sighed as I stood back up. 'And today is just not that day.' I thought to myself as I walked back inside to get my bento.

Just as I stepped inside I heard Karma's voice. "Yo! Have a look at this man it's Mr.K." I heard the red haired devil say from next to Nagisa's desk. Nagisa looked up from his own bento and out the window towards him. I walked over to the window and stood next to Karma quietly, with him gaining a small, genuine smile as he took notice of me.

"Oh yeah, he's been eating his lunch out there a lot lately for some reason." Kayano's voice spoke as she moved over to the window. I was too focused on Irina walking up to Karasuma to hear what Karma said next. The two seemed to talk for a moment with Bitch-sensei taking off her white jacket and setting it on the ground, fully revealing her black crop top like shirt. 'She's trying to make a deal with him then. There must be something else up her sleeve by that look she has though.' I thought as my lips curled into a smile.

I now noticed that the majority of the class was at the window watching as well. Irina walked behind the tree that Karasuma was sitting up against to the other side. 'So he agreed huh?' I then saw the white jacket that had fallen to the floor fly off of the ground. Karasuma now was sitting under Irina as she tried to stab him with an anti-sensei knife. I looked away as I heard some of the boys making some perverted sounding comments, and sighed before looking back out the window. 'Am I just surrounded by perverts?'

After a minute or two of that, Karasuma gave up and let the bitch stab him. I smiled brightly with the others by the window. "You go girl!" One of us said. "She won!" Another exclaimed."Callin' it Bitch-sensei was the first one to hit him!" The boys continued. Karma and I looked at each other to and smiled before looking back at the situation outside. The blonde woman was laughing evilly, and another blonde behind me was smirking at the little glance I shared with Karma.

Suddenly I was pulled out into the hallway with Rio standing in front of me. "Um... Is something the matter Rio?" I asked. "Not really, I just wanted to know what's been happening between you and Karma lately~" She cooed at me and I tilted my head slightly. After the Kyoto trip the girls would every now and again meet me and teach me a bit on my obliviousness, but I have yet to tell them what happened between Karma and I that night.

"Oh nothing~ Trust me, I would've told you before if it were something." I gave her an innocent closed-eye smile, but she could see right through it. "Yeah right! I know you Kai, don't lie to me. Did you guys kiss?" She gasped. "Are you guys secretly dating!?" She said getting a bit louder. I clapped my hand over her mouth quickly with a large blush on my face. "Be quiet! Someone might hear you!" I whisper shouted at her before taking my hand away from her mouth.

I slowly crossed my arms and sighed as my blush started to fade. "To answer your questions no, I only confessed to him and then we promised each other to date later on..." I stated as she started to poke and tease me. "Just stay quiet about it and act as if you didn't hear a thing, kay? Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a bento to eat before that bell rings." I walked back into the classroom, tugging on my gloves with a smirking blonde close behind.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now