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Heyo and welcome back to 'Secrets...'! Really REALLY hope you enjoy this chapter. Let's begin, shall we?

~Kai's POV~

Nagisa, Sugino, Karma and I were all walking across the main campus at the moment. We were on the topic of spending more time outside, which sounded amazing to me as I walked next to Karma. "What would you guys say to some fishing?" Karma asked our little group, myself being the lover of water and sea creatures I am felt excited yet concerned about the idea, especially when it came from the devil himself. "Fishing? That sounds like it'd be fun. What's in season?" Nagisa asked curiously as we looked towards Karma for his answer.

Karma's expression turned into one of Koro-sensei's devilish smiles as he started to speak again. "In the Summer months, delinquents are out in droves. Use Nagisa as bait, and there's no limit to how many of the bastards we can shake down." I could literally see the devil horns appear on his head.

I sighed and shook my head slightly sweat dropping. "I'm not surprised at this point, there isn't anything else to expect from Karma." I said as we started to pass the baseball team mid-practice. "Seriously, though, let's do something." Sugino complained. "There's always the beach." Nagisa suggested. I smiled brightly, eyes sparkling, and nodded my head furiously. "Yes please! That sounds wonderful!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, if you guys do decide to go, I'm aloud to come along right Karma?" I stopped in front of him, causing him and the others to stop, gazing at him curiously. "Why would you ask me for permission? It's not even my idea. Though I guess I'll answer for all of us when I say yes, you are." He responded and Nagisa nodded, all of us now noticing the disappearance of our good friend Sugino.

He was talking to the baseball team. 'Right. He used to be a part of the team if I remember correctly... That is... Until he was sent off to E Class...' I thought as we stepped over to the fence by his side, joining the conversation, which wasn't a very good one to begin with. Well what can you do when these guys egos are boosted beyond what is needed and they become way too overconfident?

Later in class we watched as Koro-sensei got excited for the baseball game coming up. The class explained to our sensei that we were in the exhibition games of the main tournament, which was divided up by gender. The boys would play the baseball team and us girls would play the basketball team.

"What? Us girls up against the basketball ball team? No way~ I suck at basketball~" I whined and pouted with my face actually looking exactly like this --> ( T3T). "It's okay K, we all suck." Said one of my best girl friend of the classroom, Rio. "We'll suck together!" Kayano exclaimed, making my expression turn blank. "Kayano, do you have any idea how weird and wrong what you said just sounded right now?" I asked her and her face started to pale slightly as she realized what I meant.

We all laughed, earning a few yells from the now blushing Kayano. Soon after that Terasaka left with his friends because they weren't up for the humiliation, plus a big speech from Sugino about his love for baseball, making our teacher even more excited for the game than before.

Once the time came for our class to split up and head to our separate games I ran up to Karma. "Karma~" I smiled as he stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "What's up Princess?" He asked me. "Another nickname?" He nodded in response to my little question. "Well anyways I just wanted to do one last thing before we head off." I said with a sweet smile.

"And that would b-" As he was about to finish his sentence I stopped him by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. "Good luck out there. Try and win for me, kay?" I whispered into his ear. "Kay..." He muttered back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt him start to nuzzle into the crook of my neck and I blushed.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now