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Welcome back all my dear readers! If you guys haven't noticed what I have been doing for the past few chapters I'll explain what exactly is happening here with these hand written chapters. So right now I like to call this a character arc for Kai where she lives, relives, learns and relearns different things about herself, life and others. Though once this arc is over I would like to try once in a while with this story put out a couple of what I usually call extra chapters in a row to make up for the lack of interaction between our main characters of the story. Anyways now that you know my thoughts we can continue with the chapter!

~Kai's POV~

"I think that about sums it up." I finish after telling the shortest version possible of my life story so my friends could get an understanding of it. After all that a few questions were asked like anyone would have when met with such a story. "It sounds like you had quite a few rough patches in life, huh?" Maehara asked and I nodded. "Does that stuff ever get to you?" Kayano asked and I nodded. "Sometimes... I mean everyone has their moments don't they?" I smiled softly at them as a few of them nodded in agreement. "How do you even stay sane let alone happy and bubbly with a life like that? I know I wouldn't be able to handle a life like yours." Rio said and I shrugged my shoulders. "What can I say really, I had Hiro by my side throughout most of it to help me stay on the right track. Once he left all I could do was reassure myself everyday that it would get better. I remember my mom always telling me before she passed that life has it's ups and downs, sometimes you fall down and as long as you have the strength to pick yourself up again you'll be just fine."

I gave a bittersweet smile and my eyes grew sad but filled to the brim with admiration. Deep down I was aching a bit because I missed her... Though when someone is lost doesn't everyone ache just a little? "I think we've had our fill of depressing stuff for today Ki-Ki. So how about a change of subject?" Hiro suggested as he poked my cheek a bit. I glanced at him curiously and asked him what subject he was referring to.

"Well, your teachers have told me that today you'd be having a free day if I'm right. So how about you and I take advantage this day off and go hang out doing whatever we want together?" He suggested and gave me a gentle nudge. I looked towards most of the class as the gave me a thumbs up as if they were giving me their approval. I turned to Karma and Nagisa who waved me off with a small smile, and then my gaze landed on Koro-sensei who took out a notebook and a pen before nodding and giggling at me... Very unnerving I must say...

I sighed and smiled at my childhood friend. "Yeah, that sounds wonderful!" I exclaimed, high-fiving him and racing out the door towards the forest.

~Koro-sensei's POV~

I watched Kai leave the room with her childhood friend quietly. I listened closely to make sure that they were gone before looking at the rest of my class with a devilish smirk, my fake human nose falling to the ground. "Who wants to come spy on them with me?" I curiously asked.

The class gasped and yelled at me as I scribbled in my notebook I'm using to write my newest love novel. "So that's why you were so glad to send them off!" Everyone exclaimed as I snickered. "Oh c'mon! You can't tell me that you aren't even just a little bit curious! Especially you two." I said and pointed a tentacle towards Nagisa and Karma.

They both looked away with a 'humph!' when I pointed their actions out in front of everyone even though we all noticed it earlier. "Yeah, that's true. You both have been on the defensive ever since Hiroshi appeared. If Kai weren't as oblivious as she is she would've noticed right away like the rest of us." Rio said in thought before sighing.

"She did seem to notice their behavior at some point though, right? I mean before she left she even gave the effort to see how they were feeling about her leaving if she decided to." Kayano said to try and defend Kai. "Speaking of how they were feeling. Can you both tell us specifically why you are so concerned with Kai and her childhood friend? She has made it clear that they are just friends and will stay that way and from the way she has described him earlier he isn't a bad guy who is out for blood or anything ridiculous like that." Sugino spoke with a small remark from Maehara. "Even if he is out for blood, we are too. We're assassins!" A couple of us chuckled at that as we turned to Karma and Nagisa for their answer to the question at hand.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now