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I dunno whether to like or dislike how this chapter turned out. You guys can be the judge I guess~

~Kai's POV~

I felt all noise get drowned out and all I could do was sit there, sit by and do nothing. 'No, I refuse. My body won't let me... Wait... Is it... Moving on it's own?...' I felt numb, but I was starting to speak. I couldn't hear what I was saying or see what I was doing properly. 'What's going on? It doesn't feel like I'm in control of my own body anymore.'

~Karma's POV~

Nagisa had already been snapped out of his trance, but it seemed Kai was a different story. I watched Kai get that same look on her face as before when she lost it to her bloodlust, but this time it was way more twisted looking. It definitely hadn't gone unnoticed like before because everyone seemed to be staring at her with wide eyes. She suddenly started laughing... Maniacally laughing, like she was insane or something. I glanced towards Koro-sensei who gave a knowing look of realization. 'It must've dawned on him who I had been talking about now.' I thought and watched as she continued to heartily laugh at the situation she was in.

"H-Hey, what're you laughing at?" Takaoka asked, skeptical of the new look she took on. The hair was swept away from her face by the wind and her eyes were glowing ferociously as her laughter died down. She didn't even give us a glance, staring at Takaoka and him alone. "Me? I'm laughing at how you think you'll be getting away with that unscathed." I felt a shiver run down my spine for a split second as her voice cut through the air like the knife she held.

Her voice was off, it sounded like her, but higher pitched and more serious. Everyone started shouting at her to stop and she acted as if she couldn't hear them. 'Can she really not hear a thing that were saying?' I asked myself, gulping as she stepped forwards and in front of Nagisa.

"Hope you don't mind Nagisa, but this guy is mine for the time being." I watched her with a surprised expression. "That's the first time I've heard her using Nagisa's actual name. I guess even he can't stop her now." Terasaka said from nearby me and I nodded, turning back to the scene ahead of us. 'Is she really going to go through with this? I have to find her stabilizer and fast...' I thought, glancing around for anything that might work.

Kai made her way towards Takaoka with her knife twirling between her fingers. "You asked for this. Just remember that you brought this upon yourself." She said and Takaoka flinched at her movements. "What do you mean. Like hell you'll even get a hit in on me." He said going in to hit her. She dodged like a pro and began weaving around his attacks before ultimately getting caught in his death grip.

"Heh, let's see how tough you are when you get the wind knocked outta you." Takaoka explained, my eyes widening as he kneed her in the stomach, flinging her across the heliport. She managed to somehow catch her footing, coughing hard as she tried to regain her breath. Kai chuckled. "Good one. You really might give me a run for my money, though I doubt it." She said and wiped her mouth a bit, angering the man before her.

"It's my turn now. You ready?" She asked with a wide grin as they both got into a fighting stance. They sat in silence for a moment before Kai sped towards him. He hardly had time to react when she tripped him. After falling to the ground she got on top of him and used one hand to hold his throat in place, almost choking him as she raised her knife up with her other hand.

"Any last words?~" Her voice rang through my ears as everyone kept yelling for her to stop. She smiled down at him as they tried and tried to get her to stop, but nothing worked. Right as she went to drive the knife through him, I decided I couldn't take it any longer.

"Kai, stop!"

The words flew from me before I could stop them and immediately she stopped in her tracks. She was quiet for a moment before she craned her neck slightly to look in my direction. Her glowing blue eyes met with mine as she hummed, prompting me to go on. "Listen to me! I know the real Kai is still in there somewhere! She would never do something like this, and that's how I know you are not the Kai I fell for!" I exclaimed as she and everyone else around me gasped.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now