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If I'm being honest, I had a bit of trouble writing this chapter and had to rewrite it a couple of times. Even now I'm not completely happy with it, but I just gave up at this point. Hope you guys still like it though!

~Kai's POV~

"Give him hell Karma! I believe in you!"

Karma's smirk widened as he started to fight grip without a second thought, but for now he was only dodging Grip's attacks. This caused Grip to stop and him to stop evading him and fight. Karma started to hop back and forth on his feet, saying that he wanted to fight fair this time. That's surprising coming from him, but ever since the finals, he's been taking this stuff a bit more seriously.

They both went back in again, Karma finally getting some hits in on his opponent. Grip ended up hunched over and facing away from us after one of Karma's attacks against him. Karma went in to finish things, but that same purple smoke cloud stopped him. "Karma!" I exclaimed as he got caught in the brunt of it, falling forward and right into the skull crushing hands of Grip. I started to move foward to help him, but an arm was held out in my way to stop me.

"I know what you're tryin' to do, and it won't help. He has us right where he wants us now so there's nothing you could do about it." Terasaka's voice rang through my ears as I watched Grip hold Karma by his head off of the ground. I slowly calmed down and nodded, clenching my hands into fists at my sides. Grip started giving us a speech before getting cut off by another cloud of purple mist.

"Huh?" I looked towards the two and found Karma, holding a rag and a canister of that poison just like Grip had. His usual smirk adorned his face as Grip took out a knife and charged him. My face lit up as Karma knocked him down and held him there, calling out to Terasaka for back up. 'That must be the same one he took off of Smog earlier. I get why he opted to take it now.' I thought as the group of boys held down the assassin.

After Grip admitted defeat Karma finally 'let loose' as he pulled out mustard and wasabi from his bag that he had brought with him. I sweat dropped at his behavior. "K-Kun, this is hardly the time or place for this, don't you think?" I asked as he turned to me with a devilish grin. "Oh c'mon, I just wanna have a little fun! You can even help me if you'd like~" He teased and I felt a shiver run down my spine before I shook me head. "No thanks..."

Not before long we ended up in the club area. We have to sneak through and get to the proper door and let our friends in without being noticed. The girls eagerly took the job option, grabbing me by the arm before Karma or I could say anything about it. Karasuma thought it'd be too dangerous for us girls to go in alone so Karma suggested 'Plan B' and we all glanced towards Nagisa who was obviously confused.

That's the basic explanation for how I ended up next to Nagisa in a club whilst he's dressed up as a girl. I don't know if he'll ever be able to live this one down. "If it makes you feel any better, you rock that skirt better than I ever could Nagi~" I cooed into his ear, making him jump and yell at me with red stained cheeks. I laughed a little as he scolded me. "Sorry... But it's true~" I continued to tease as he continued going off on me. The girls eventually had to shush us so we wouldn't draw too much unnecessary attention to ourselves. We sighed and apologized before we continued moving through the club.

"Yuji? Where are you going dude? Get back here!" I heard someone behind me say as some guy stopped Nagisa from proceeding with us. We all turned around as this Yuji guy invited Nagisa to hang out with him. Suddenly Yuji got smacked upside the head by someone next to him. "Yuji, I told you not to go off like that. Seriously man I can't leave you alone for one second." He sighed before apologizing to us for anything Yuji might've said.

"It's fine. He didn't cause us any trouble, he was just inviting our friend here to hang out with him is all." I explained turning to look at the girls and nodded my head in the direction of the door, telling them to get out of here while they still could as we distracted these guys. They seemed to understand as they excused themselves and left us behind.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now