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Hello my guys, my gals, and my all around or in between pals! Welcome back and let's just get started now shall we?

~Kai's POV~

In the few days leading up to our big trip to Okinawa Karma thought it would be a good idea to spend a whole day together. He didn't tell me the plans for today just yet, but I trust him and I think he can plan this out if he tries. After finally getting ready I stretched and yawned a little before sitting down alone at my dining room table. For a moment I closed my eyes and imagined both of my parents being here and smiling brightly at me, though it didn't last long because my thoughts were interrupted by a notification appearing on my phone.

I gasped when I saw what it was. "No way... Seven finally text me back!" I exclaimed and immediately unlocked my phone, opening the app I know and love the most, Mystic Messenger. It's a fitting time to start playing such a game when wearing the outfit I am. I began messing around on the app until I heard my doorbell ring.

I finally had to pull myself away from my phone and walk to the door. I opened it to greet Karma who took one look at my outfit and smirked. "Another anime inspired outfit?" He asked and I shrugged. "Sort of." I said and he took my hand before swiftly pulling me out and away from the house, causing me to pull the door shut behind us as he did. "Doesn't matter anyway, you look cute no matter what your wearing." I blushed faintly and thanked him for the compliment after he said that. "It's more of a fact than a compliment." He said, making me blush darker as his smirk widened.

That's when I took notice of his attire for the day. "Your one to talk, you look absolutely adorable right now~" I poked his cheek with my free hand as we walked down the sidewalk. Said cheeks were then dusted a light pink as he playfully rolled his eyes. "So what exactly are we doing today Karma?" I asked and suddenly his eyes twinkled slightly in from what I could tell anticipation and excitement.

"Actually I've come up with the perfect place for us to go that'll last us all day to get through." The redhead looked at me and chuckled when he saw my head tilt. He could tell I was stumped and helped me out. "We're going to the local amusement park. We'll play games, ride rides and just run around and have fun, kay?" He asked as he held up the tickets and I nodded.

"Ready to go then?" The amber eyed male asked and I beamed before nodding quickly. "Ready!" I exclaimed before he spoke again. "Alright. Let's go then." He said and pulled me towards said amusement park.

Once we got there we started off with the bigger rides and slowly moved down to the smaller ones. We went on a couple roller coasters and by the time we got off our hair was rather messed up, prompting me to quickly sneak a picture of him with messy hair before we moved to fix each other's hair. We laughed at how ridiculous we looked the whole time as we made our way to the bumper cars, grabbing our picture that was taken on the coaster we had just gotten off of before going.

"I bet I can bump into you more times than you can bump into me." I said as Karma smirked widely at me. "Is that a challenge? Because I bet you can't." He replied and I nodded. "Let's make a deal then, whoever looses has to pay for our lunch later." I smiled whee he agreed. "You are so on!"

During our time spent on the bumper cars we were rather competitive, swerving around other cars to make a beeline for one another. Afterwards he smirked at me. "I hit you twelve times and you hit me eight times, so I win. Not that anyone was keeping score... Except me." I grumbled and he laughed. "Whatever... I'll be paying for lunch then." I sighed as Karma ruffled my hair. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I shook my head. "I lost fair and square. Of course course I want to pay." I said and he gave up before he started a little fight about it which he knew he wouldn't win. We continued to move from place to place, taking pictures on the merry-go-round and scaring me in the haunted house. When we got out of there I was pulling Karma out by the ear and yelling at him for scaring me the whole time to which he was just laughing and trying to apologize. "Humph!" I let his ear go and turned away from him with crossed arms. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "C'mon, I said I was sorry. Your reactions were just too priceless to resist." He told me. "Yeah, yeah... How about we go eat now? All that haunted house business made me hungry." I waved him off and began walking towards the vendors section of the park.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now