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Heyo, welcome back to the next chapter! Sorry it's been a while, but I did say I may randomly update every now and again to make sure you guys know I'm not dead. So let's get on with the chapter hm?

~Kai's POV~

We were all hiking our way down our satellite campus' mountain for who knows why and honestly I didn't know or care why because I was off in my own little world. I was thinking about multiple things honestly. Why haven't Karma and I gotten some alone time yet? Does Author-Chan have no room in this story for that or am I just impatient? Does Author-Chan need help on when and where she should put together chapters for stuff like that? Hm...

OKAY KAI I GET IT!!!.... I'm actually thinking of a way to fix that right now.

Kai: Finally!

Speak of the devil himself, Karma then came strolling his way over to Nagisa and I on our way down the mountain. "Hey Nagisa, Kai. I heard you two were real bad asses the other day. Sorry I wasn't around. I'd have loved to see the guy's face." He said, breaking me out of my daze, I had hummed with a triumphant smile on my face.

Soon enough our sensei had stopped, right in front of a bit of shrubbery. I could've sworn I heard water running nearby when he did. "All right, class. Feast your eyes on this." He said with his award winning smile, and sure enough the water I had heard was real. For as soon as my classmates moved the shrubs ahead of them there was a full on swimming pool among the rocks with a dam helping to contain the water. My eyes were blazing with excitement and yet hidden within them were signs of fear and anxiousness. I guess Karma could tell how I was feeling and why since I had already told him that I couldn't swim because he had put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I leaned into him as a result as the others jumped into the pool. I mean I've seen and felt water before, but it has only been rain water. I had never seen an actual lake, river, stream or anything of that sort until we flew to Hawaii for that movie premiere.

I had a small talk with Karma before telling him to go have fun since I had something to do before I began antics with the others again. I walked away behind some rocks and pulled off the bathing suit that Koro-sensei had forced me into earlier. I literally could barely breathe in it and this was my only chance to change and get away with it. Though underneath my ugly and tight swimsuit I had on another not so breathless suit that I was happy with. I tossed away my old suit and whistled a small tune to play off what I did as if nothing happened.

On the topic of whistles, however, I heard Koro-sensei blowing his whistle as a lifeguard and yelling at multiple people the whole time. I felt bad for the E-class because I could feel their annoyance from the distance I was at. I sighed and walked out from behind the rocks unnoticed until I got up to Koro-sensei's life guarding post. "Control freak much? I never knew you were such a stickler for the rules sensei~" I smiled up at him from the spot next to his post that I was now on. He looked down at me, as did the others. Koro-sensei then went into another fit about rules when he saw my bathing suit of which I waved off, most of my classmates, especially my boyfriend I had noticed had cute blushes on their faces at the new look I had. Though with me being as dense as I was what had actually come out of my mouth was "Woah... Did you guys not bring sunblock or something? It looks like you all are getting a sunburn on your cheeks." ... I know, I'm an idiot, but I'm proud of it.

Everyone sweat dropped while I was in pure bliss. Soon enough my fellow classmates moved on from my outfit choice to Koro-sensei loosening up a little. That was when we found out Koro-sensei and my own biggest weaknesses out. Someone had splashed Koro-sensei and I and scared the living daylights out of our teacher. Karma being the provoking little spawn of the devil that he was tried knocking sensei into the water from the yellow creatures perch. I myself almost fell in and squeaked in pure terror at the thought of drowning before moving away to a nearby rock for protection. The class ended up seeing us groveling at our feet as we tried our hardest to hide our little secret. Which didn't end well when they all fit the pieces together themselves..... Yep, we can't swim. Of course had many questions, but Author-Chan is too lazy to write them all out and answer them. "Wow sensei, I just realized how much we really have in common hehe!" I exclaimed while I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head.

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now