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Welcome back! Last time I had a hard time finding ways to get Karma and Kai to interact and I'm hoping now will be different. Maybe I should get a second author to work with on this story, probably not. I'll just have to see, but as you can see, the animal I was mentioning before that suited Kai was a snow leopard. You can look them up to see what I meant about sneak attacks. For now though we must get on with the story!

~Kai's POV~

Today is the day I'll put in my first assassination attempt against Koro-sensei. Am I trying to impress somebody? No. I just want to prove my worth to show I'm not useless on the battlefield. Hopefully this works out well...

I sat down in my seat as per usual and awaited Koro-sensei's arrival. As I waited I took my weapons from my bag and placed them in my desk so I could easily begin my assassination attempt. What I didn't notice was Karma's eyes on me while I did this.

~Karma's POV~

I looked over at Kai from my seat to find her pulling her anti-sensei weapons out of her bag and placing them into her desk. Specifically she had two anti-sensei knives and one anti-sensei BB gun.

I was curious as to what she would do with them. She could only be planning an assassination attempt for the octopus, but what is her plan? What does she have in mind? I could only wonder...

~Kai's POV~

I sighed and looked over at Nagisa who I found quickly looking back towards me and smiled. I smiled back at him as I saw him get up from his seat and step towards me. Upon reaching my desk he looked down at me. "You ready?" He said referring to my assassination attempt because of the texts I had sent him a little while ago.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "Ready!" I beamed up at him. "Good to hear." He said before the bell rang. "Erm, g-good luck!" He said quickly before running back to his seat. "Thanks..." I said to myself preparing for the day ahead. The only person who knows my plan is Nagisa, and I intend for it to stay that way. He is the only person I know I can put my trust in.

Koro-sensei soon stepped in... With a woman on his arm- er... tentacle. I was a bit surprised at how 'lovestruck' she was by Koro-sensei. 'You've got to be kidding me right? 1. There is no way that any woman in her right mind would fall for someone like Koro-sensei, no offense to him though. And 2. Why does she have to come in here and snuggle up to him today of all days!? Ugh, whatever... I can't let her get in my way of my attempt to assassinate Koro-sensei. I've got to do it, and show everyone I'm not just some deadbeat like everyone else thinks I am!' I thought to myself as I watched Karasuma introduce the woman as Irina.

Then Koro-sensei looked at Irina's breasts and his face turned pink with he blushed. 'You perverted son of a-' I thought before being snapped out of my thoughts by remembering the matter at hand. I looked at Nagisa who showed me a look that said 'Maybe tomorrow?' while I gave him a look that said 'Nope! Today is the day!'. I then heard him sigh and turn back to Koro-sensei.

'What was that supposed to mean?' I thought as Irina tried flirting with our teacher. It was rather appalling if you ask me. Soon after Karasuma and Irina left to talk on their own for a bit. Koro-sensei told us that we would have a quick lesson before going outside and playing a game.

It's now or never then. I looked at Nagisa who gave me a reassuring smile to tell me to go get him. I nodded and gave him a small wink before pulling my weapons out of my desk. I did it slowly so they wouldn't make much noise. Then I hid my BB gun in my knee-length stockings and stood up with one of my knives in each of my hands.

I looked around to see everyone's eyes on me except for Koro-sensei, who had his back to us as he wrote on the board. He was now in the middle of his quick lesson, meaning I had to do this quick. 'I guess having that Irina show up today wasn't such a bad thing. He'll probably be so distracted and thrown off by her that he won't notice what's coming to him.'

Secrets... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now