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Chapter 3: The Lonely Prince

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I walked down the marble corridor, I turn left entering the throne room where my uncle had been sitting. "Nephew what a pleasant surprise, I thought you'd be in your room reading or cleaning?" my uncle sneers.

"Tch, I'm here to inform you that the Princess of Estra has gone missing, their king has informed me that if we are to find her we must return her back home," I inform him.

Kenny laughs at this fact, I flash him a glare watching as he wiped his tears of laughter away from his eyes. "My, my, is that all? I was expecting something more than a princess running away from home." Kenny sighs.

"Tch you're an insensitive ass," I growl.

"As are you, dear nephew." Kenny chuckles.

I let out an annoyed groan before turning on my heel heading straight back from which I came. "Oh and Levi, if you are to find this girl... bring her here." Kenny says. I look back seeing him flash a devilish smirk my way. Confused I stare back at him only for a moment more before turning and continuing down the long red carpet. I don't have time to go searching for some lost princess... I have my own problems. Such as finding a wife to wed.

I enter my office finding my matchmaker standing by my desk looking through some papers of hers. "Ah Levi, alright are you ready to get started now?" the woman asks.

"Yes Nanaba, I'm ready," I say as I stroll over to my desk before plopping down in my seat. I cross my legs and sit back waiting as she pulled a list of names. I look at each of the pictures finding no interest in these women and motion Nanaba to take them away.

"Do you have anything on Princess (Y/N) Ambermere?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Levi but... she's been taken," she says with a pause in the middle to look at her papers.

"Already? But she's only been eligible for a few months." I say in disbelief. I didn't doubt the girl was beautiful, I just didn't believe she had already been engaged just after turning seventeen.

"Prince Jean of Kustea has proposed-

I slam my fist down on the desk without thought. That damn horseface. "Sir?" Nanaba says in a confused tone.

"Sorry for my outburst I was thinking into the situation too much, I'll show you out," I say as I stand on my feet. I walk around the desk and stood next to the tall woman. I place my hand on her back and lead her out of my office.

"Uh Levi, are you sure you don't want to-

"Come back tomorrow with some new matches then we'll talk." I interrupt. After getting her out the door I shut it and lock it again, I let out a frustrated sigh. At this rate, I'll have to look for a spouse in a lower ranking, not that it would bother me... just going through the trouble of meeting so many women will be annoying.

~Next Day~

The following day I met with Petra Ral the Duchess of Estra. We spend most of the day talking about our interests. We both found similar interests in tea and books which were about the only thing we both found common ground on. She was beautiful but I didn't think she was what I was looking for.

Although I didn't think Petra would be the perfect match, I planned to meet with her again to learn more about her hoping I could learn to love her. As noon came I went to my defense lessons. Since a lot of people were attempting to take my life I had to learn how to protect myself. Kenny says I should get a bodyguard but I didn't see the use for them.

I sat in my office that evening in sweat pants holding a towel to my sweating body. I dabbed my neck trying to cool down from a hard practice. I should bathe I reek of sweat. I let out a sigh and place the picture of Petra down on the wooden desk before standing up causing the chair to slide back. I flip the towel over my shoulder and head to the bathroom.

I shut the door with and lock it with a small click before turning on the water and stripping off my clothes. I could see a faint reflection in the window causing me to cringe. I man I look ugly. I then turn off the water and step into the hot bath. Slowly I sit down trying to adjust to the temperature difference to prevent feeling any burning. Within a few minutes, I sink to my nose in the water and let out a relieved sigh as the warm water relaxed me.

After my relaxing shower, I wrap the towel around my waist tightly preventing it from falling before walking out back into my office. I go and stack the papers and turn out the light calling it a night as I walk to the door on the other side of the room leading to my bedroom. I close the door and lock it.

Slowly I walk to the bed where I had previously laid out a change of clothes. I grab them and quickly change into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I then pull the blanket out from under the covers and lift them up enough allowing me to crawl in. I lay myself down on the white silk sheet and cover myself in the thick wool blanket over my torso. I let out a relaxed sigh and close my eyes ready to fall into a deep slumber.

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