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Chapter 4: The Royal Estrian Duchess

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I woke up to a cool breeze hitting my face, a small groan escaped past my lips as I roll onto my side turning away from where the breeze had been coming from. I didn't want to leave the bed yet still wanting to enjoy the warmth it provided. Slowly I open my eyes to the bright sun pouring in through the tall arched windows. I have to see Petra again today. I roll over onto my other side and grab my pocket watch finding it was nearly eight in the morning. I had two hours until Petra would be back to have brunch with me.

Softly I groan and fall back onto the soft feathered pillows. My arm draped over my eyes shielding them from the blinding sunlight. Then, as if they knew I was up my door opens slowly letting a loud creaking noise ring throughout the room. I look up finding my maid walking in with a golden tray. "Good morning your highness." the maid greets.

I didn't respond back, I only took the tray and dismissed her away. I quickly ate my food before getting out of bed. I walk over to my closet and grabbed out a white button-up shirt and black leather pants. I pull the shirt over my shoulders and quickly button it up, afterward I lip into the tight-fitting pants and tuck in the white shirt.

I walk out of my bedroom making my way down to the throne room. I walk down the marble corridors once again after descending the grand staircase. I make the left entering through the large archway walking on the red carpet. Strolling up the carpet I stop just before the couple steps to the platform the two chairs sat on. There my uncle sat resting his head on his palm. "Good morning nephew, any news of this missing princess?" Kenny asks.

"Not that I'm aware of, I'll be going out today with Petra, I thought I'd let you know ahead of time," I inform him followed by bowing my head slightly. I lift my head back up glancing up seeing a smirk playing at his lips now.

"I see... do you wish to have a guard on standby?" Kenny asks he motions for a guard to come.

"That won't be necessary, I'm sure I'll be just fine we won't be long," I interject. Kenny put up his hand signalling the guard to stop further actions.

"As you wish, don't come crying to me when you get shot," Kenny answers with a grin, he then didn't pay me attention any longer and went on messing with his crown. I let out an irritated sigh and I turn on my heel to make my way back up the carpet.

I made my way out of the castle through the front finding a carriage waiting. I walk down the steps and get into the carriage after the servant opened the door for me. I sit on the plush velvet red seats finding Petra sitting on the opposite side looking out the window.

"Good morning Levi." she greets.

"Morning Petra," I answer before pursing my lips together in an awkward smile. Slowly the carriage moved forward. The only sound that came from the carriage was the hooves of the horses hitting the pavement over and over.

I kept my gaze outside watching the trees whip by as we entered the forest. The carriage began to slow down as it began to go uphill. That was the issue with living in the mountains so many damn hills to get over. I look out the back window seeing no one behind us thankfully.

When I turned I met Petra's gaze before giving her a slight nod. Things were still new to us so I was still a bit shy being in her presence.

Then, out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain on my upper arm. I wince in pain and grab my arm. When I took my arm off the stinging arm I found blood. Disgusting. "Oh my! Are you alright?" Petra asks. I peer to her seeing her worried expression then look forward to find an arrow pierced in the thin wooden wall.

Petra then caught sight of what held my attention. She let out a fearful gasp. I was nearly killed. "Stop the fucking carriage!" I order. Abruptly the carriage stopped. I draw my sword and leave the carriage. I scan the nearby area for anyone who wasn't familiar to me.

"Levi, come back inside you'll be shot again if you don't." Petra warns.

After scanning the premises I step back into the carriage. I place my hand on the open cut keeping pressure to stop the bleeding. I look over at Petra who had been rummaging through her bag. "I can stitch it up for you." she insists.

I trusted that she knew what she was doing and unbutton my now ruined shirt. I pull it off my left arm exposing half my body. She held a needle and thread as she scoots closer to me until our left legs were pressed against each other.

Slowly she slips the needle through my flesh pulling out on the other side. I averted my gaze letting her continue her work. Maybe I should consider getting a guard if that person was any closer I would have been killed.

"Do you wish to go back?" Petra asks. Now, back in reality I look to her and see the cut was stitched. I guess I was in thought for a while.

"Yes, we can have brunch there," I say. She flashes me a reassuring smile before scooting over. I ordered the carriage driver to turn around and go back.

Quickly we returned a little startled but safe at the very least. Petra and I entered through the grand doors hand in hand. I felt relieved knowing she was alright. "Follow my servant to the courtyard, I will meet you there," I tell her. Her hand slipped from mine as I watched her follow the servant in the opposite direction I had intended to go.

I head to the throne room to discuss the matter with Kenny. "I heard of the news, so you were almost killed?" Kenny asks.

I nod my head. "So, now do you believe me when I say you should get yourself a guard?" he asks.

"I will go out and search for one," I say softly.

For most of the afternoon, I spent it with Petra gathering information about her life and such. We both had calmed down from the events that took place that morning. Towards the evening after we ate a lovely three-course meal Petra decided to head back. I offered her to stay in a guest room but she insisted she go home.

I waved her off watching as the carriage rode off into the darkness of the forest. "Get my horse, I plan on going into town, also get me a lower-ranking guard to escort me," I order my servant.

"Right away your highness." the young man bows and runs off inside doing as I ordered. I step indoors and go to the nearest bathroom to check my injury. I pull up my sleeve revealing the now long scab.

"Tch, disgusting." I groan. I roll my sleeve back down and brush myself off. I exit the bathroom and head back out towards the stables.

"Your horse is ready sir." the servant informs.

"Thank you, and the guard?" I ask.

"He's on his way." the boy answers, with that, he bowed to me one last time and dismissed himself. Once the guard arrived we both set out for Edrax there they trained soldiers yet the town was infested with criminals. Find a guard then get back that's the plan.

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