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Chapter 32: Left Unnoticed

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~A Few Days Later~

One my horse I made my way up the mountain to retrieve (Y/N) and take her back home. As the horse slowly made it up the steep mountain I look to find the giant hole that was the entrance to the cave.

Kicking the horse's sides slightly making it go faster. Trotting up the mountain we grew closer in a short amount of time now that my horse had been moving at a faster pace. Turning I pull the reins stopping the horse.

Jumping off I watch as Dina starts to walk out, walking over to her I was about to pass her when her hand whipped in front of my face stopping me from passing through. "She's not here," she mutters.

"Tch quit fucking with me." I snap.

Swiping her hand away I walk into the cave ignoring her calls. What a joke, (Y/N) wouldn't leave me, not without saying goodbye.

Walking through the cave I searched for her in many rooms including their so-called infirmary. I wanted to deny all thoughts that she actually left.

"Levi, she's not here," Dina says.

"Where is she staying? Where was her room?" I ask.

Dina slowly nodded and cocked her head motioning me to follow. Following her into a large hall with many doors she stopped at the third door down on the left. Opening it was a small dark room with one small bed.

"This is where she was staying," Dina says.

Slowly walking into the dark room I look around hoping she had left something behind that would give me some clue to where she could have gone. Maybe she went out to wander. Yeah, that sounds like her. Maybe she went searching for plants to make more medicine or some shit.

All these scenarios played in my head trying to prevent me from the real reason. She could have gone home. Back to Estra. "Did she at least heal the man?" I ask turning my head towards Dina.

With a slight smile, she nodded. "We are very grateful for her help, she's a very caring princess," Dina says.

Turning my head towards her bed I nod. "Yeah... she is." I mutter.

Turning I sit on her bed and look to her pillow. "Did she leave during the night perhaps?" I ask.

"I was going to just go ask our guards, but then I saw you coming up the mountain," she answers.

Nodding my head I lightly run my hands over the rugged blanket. "I'll go ask and see if they saw her," Dina says.

Glancing up at her I nod. "Please do," I mutter. With that, she turned around and left me alone in her room. Shoving my hand under the pillow feeling the coolness I felt around wondering if there was something underneath.

Feeling something like a paper brushed against my fingertips I curl my fingers around the edge and pull it from underneath the pillow. A letter possibly. Opening it I found (Y/N)'s handwriting of a few paragraphs.


I know you're probably upset that I left without saying anything much less bidding you goodbye. I thought it would be best for me to return home and stand alongside my mother in a time of need. With the king gone, I'm afraid she'll have trouble running the country on her own.

Other than that, when you find this just know I'm probably already in Estra, please don't come looking for me. Just know that I am safe and back with my people. I'm sorry I never got the chance to say goodbye but I feared that if I did I wouldn't be able to contain my emotions. I've already caused you a great deal of stress with my injuries, and from past incidents.

Again, I am truly sorry you had to hear from me like this, I wish nothing but the best for you and hope you find a suitable wife that hopefully, you'll one day learn to love. Just know you will be dearly missed and that I will miss you and all your quirks.

Love, (Y/N)

Folding up the letter, I begin ripping it to shreds. A burning sensation took place where my heart was, I was angry, seething with pure rage at the fact that the one person I had truly trusted and cared for had left me.

Standing up from the bed I throw the shreds of paper into the garbage. The sound of heels clicking against the ground caught my attention. It was Dina. "Whatever the guards saw I don't care, she obviously doesn't want to be found... I'll be going now." I say as I fix my cravat.

"But wait- you were just wanting to know-"

"I don't need to know anymore... if she really cared then she would have waited until I got back... but I don't see her here so I'm leaving, have a good day." I groan.

I made my way away from (Y/N)'s previous room to the entrance. This girl just loves messing with my head. Figures, everything good in my life leaves.

I just wish she had said something before leaving. At least a goodbye or something, it was unlike her but then again she has run away before. Will I ever see her again. Shaking my head to rid of the thoughts I mount my horse and kick it harshly.

Rushing down the mountain I quickly made my way home wanting to forget all that had happened, hoping that (Y/N) was just testing me and actually would be at the castle. We had been together for two and a half months, she wouldn't just up and leave without saying goodbye...would she?

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