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Chapter 5: A Disguise

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It had been a day since leaving Seagaria. I had finally made it to Tokaia, from there I would go to Edrax which was all the way in Aubern. It was nightfall when I found the shop my mother talked about. Artisto Cut the sign read in seagarian. Most people who spoke English probably wouldn't know what it translated to.

"Welcome." The woman greets. Most of the people who lived in Estra mainly spoke English, few still spoke in the old tongue.

"Hello," I answer back. Those lessons sure came in handy.

"What would you like today?" The woman asks as I go to sit in a chair that was placed in front of a large mirror. The woman came up behind me and ran her fingers through my long hair.

"I would like a hair cut to about here," I say showing her the length. It was going to be rather short, it would stop just at my collarbone.

"Anything else dear?" The woman asks.

"You still sell colored eye contacts right?" I ask.

"Yes we do, what color?" she asks.

"What do you have?" I ask.

"I'll grab the sample book out." the woman smiles as she releases my hair and heads to the counter. Behind here she bent down, she shuffled through her things until a large book had been set on the counter.

Quickly she walked over and handed me the book before going back to working on my hair. I open the book looking through the colors. The sound of snipping chimed in my ear as she started to cut through my hair. I did my best to stay still as the woman worked so she wouldn't mess up.

I stop on the page where I had found the color I wanted. A dark purple and blue set. It wasn't normal that was for sure but anything to hide my identity besides my id picture was black and white so those who would look at it won't be able to tell. All I would have to change on the id was the eye color which was easy to forge.

"They're all done, did you pick a set?" The woman asks.

"Yes I did, thank you," I answer before looking up in the mirror. I surely looked different but that was the point Jean wouldn't be able to recognize me, no one would except my mother. I point at the color on the book and hand it to the woman.

"How many do you want?" the woman asks as she strolls over to the counter again.

"As many as you have, I need them to last a while," I answer as I stand on my feet. I brush myself off and walk over to the counter watching as she pulled out every box of that color she had.

"That will be 10 gold coins," she says.

Quickly I rummage through my bag and pull out the money and gently slap it down on the counter. The lady places all the boxes in a bag and hands it to me. "Thank you and come again!" the lady calls just before I walk out of the shop. Alright, now back to my horse and I'm out of here.

I walk through the crowded streets of Tokaia making my way back to where I had placed my horse. When I reached the old tavern I untie the reins and get on my horse. Lightly I kick its side causing my horse to start moving slowly.

I took a shortcut to avoid the crowd, cutting through the forest I start heading west. I stopped in a small village where I quickly changed my id along with putting the contacts in and got vaccinated. I was all set to cross the border and go into hiding for who knows how long. It was a tiring ride into the mountainous country but worth it.

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