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Chapter 53: A Dream Come True

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Days had passed since the end of the meeting. I wanted to believe there was a delay but I heard nothing. Like my dream I sat by the door. The maids looked over me as I watched for the carriage.

It was snowing fairly heavy. "M'lady, come away from the door and eat." A maid says. Turning my head I stood from the seat and followed the woman into the kitchen. Sitting in the seat I waited as a bowl of soup was placed before me.

"That's all, thank you." I say.

After finishing the soup I had made my way back to the door. As I was walking there I found a guard who had just come inside. "Anything?" I ask.

He shook his head and looked at me sadly. Letting out a sigh, I instead head over to the study. Maybe if I do paperwork it'll distract me. I sat there at the desk working on signing the many documents Kenny had left for Levi after they had left. I signed what I could before stopping again.

I sat back in the seat looking up at the ceiling. Memories of mine and Levi's last night together haunted my mind making my heart ache a little more than it needed to. I hope everything is alright. Laying my head on the desk I shut my eyes.


I open my eyes and look up at the man with black hair. His cold gaze pierced back at mine. His eyes widened when he looked at me. "Are you alright?" he asks. I sit up and pull my cloak over me hiding.

"I-I think so... t-thank you." I say.

"Tch, it's no big deal." he says.

He turned his back to me and started to walk away. "Wait." I call holding my hand out.

"What is it?" the man asks in a cold tone. His glare was deadly as if saving me had annoyed him.

"I'm in your debt, how can I repay you?" I ask.

His expression softened. "Come with me and we'll talk." he says. Quickly I stand on my feet and follow him back into the motel. The front desk was finally open I stood there behind the man until he forcefully grabbed my hand. He yanked me forward so I was now standing next to him.

"I'd like to check into a room, one preferably with two beds." The man orders.

The man at the desk scribbled on the piece of paper before handing the key to us. I followed the raven haired man to our room silently not asking any questions although it would be nice if I knew his name at least.

When we had entered the room the man shut the dark oak wooden door and locked it. "Alright, first before I make this deal with you tell me your name." he orders.

"My name is (F/N) Morelli, I come from Estra." I answer.

He gave me a blank expression before clearing his throat. "I am Levi Ackerman Prince of Aubern." he answers. Wait? The prince?! Quickly to show my respect I bow. I felt my back start to burn from the lashes that haven't healed. I wince in pain before standing back up.

"I apologize for the inconvenience your highness." I say.

"It's alright, but answer this for me... have you ever trained in fighting?" he asks as he walks over alongside the bed before sitting.

"When I was young my father taught me how to fight, I am well trained with a sword as well." I answer honestly.

"Alright then... another question, you had your vaccination shots before entering correct?" he asks.

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