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Chapter 58: Unexpected and Important

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I had awoken in the warmth of Levi's arms. Smiling gently I turn in his arms to face him, still sound asleep I decided to lay there and watch. Levi rarely slept in, I was usually the one to wake up alone. Letting out a soft sigh, I let my hands travel up his face.

Moving the strands from his face he didn't seem to be phased. Laying my left hand on his face my thumb gently traced across his face. This seemed to wake him up slightly for he took my wrist into his hands, yet he didn't pull my hand off his face.

His eyes opened slightly before letting out a soft hum. "Go back to sleep." he mutters. Pulling me closer he let out a soft sigh while I kept my eyes on him. Smiling gentle I closed my eyes a little as I moved in closer. Letting out a soft sigh I felt rather relaxed, ready to fall back asleep. Work could wait a while longer.

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to fall back asleep. There was a rather hasty few knocks at the door. Both Levi and I jolted up at the knock a little started and curious. Levi slipped out of the bed and walked over towards the door. Opening it a crack I could hear his cold tone. "What is it?" he asks.

There was soft mumbles from outside the door, I couldn't make them out, as I move to the foot of the bed I tried to listen in but by the time I reached the edge of the bed Levi shut the door. He let out a sigh before walking over to the closet. "Get dressed, Erwin is here." he says.

Jumping to my feet off the bed I dashed over towards the closet standing next to him as I picked out my dress. Taking a dark blue dress I turn away and began to strip of my clothing. Slipping into the dress I pull the sleeves over my shoulders, as I was about to attempt at tying the back I felt rather cold fingers graze my back.

Turning my head slightly I find Levi tying the strings at the back. Pulling my hair off to the side I keep my head turned so I could see Levi. He was still only partially dressed, tightening the knot he stepped back before I moved my hair back.

I brushed down the creases in my dress as I looked in the mirror. Soon Levi stepped next to me looking at himself in the mirror, turning to him I took his already tied cravat into hand and tighten it slightly before brushing off his coat.

With that I took his hand in mine as we both walked to the door leading out into the hall. As always we ventured down the flight of stairs into the foyer where we say Kenny, Hanji, and Erwin all gathered with a few guards standing by. "Ah, good morning!" Erwin says as his sights fall unto us.

As we came to the last step Erwin quickly walked up to us. "Quite the power couple I'll say." he chuckles softly.

Smiling gently I glance over at Levi who kept his stare at Erwin, his expression was puzzled wondering what Erwin would drop by for. "What brings you by my lord?" I ask turning my attention back onto Erwin.

Smiling graciously he extended his hand in the direction of the throne room. "Come with me and we will speak." he says. As he began walking away I made my way over to Hanji to greet her.

Taking my hands into hers she shook them once before her eyes fell onto my hands. Taking my left into hers she pulled it closer causing me to jolt forward. "Are you engaged!?" she shrieks.

Looking to Levi I knew the answer. Slightly embarrassed I swipe my hand away before laughing nervously. "N-no, it's just a gift from Levi." I say. Hanji's eyes soon fell onto Levi looking a little disappointed.

"I pray to the great God Vemir that you will soon." she says. The god's name was almost unfamiliar to me, throughout my studies I had heard so little of the god of the ocean Vemir. Most Zesmeirian people believed in him. While on the mainland's most people believed in Ezmera excluding Kustea and Huskuecia.

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