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Chapter 16: The Only Way

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Death. Death is never easy, for the living they have to mourn over loved ones who will no longer roam this earth. Some say it's like falling asleep, and where you go after that is beyond what the human mind can imagine.

Like Levi, I had seen plenty of death, even my own parent's deaths. I watched as his face grew dark and almost mortified, how I hoped Kenny was still alive. "Lead the way," Levi orders quietly. That's not good. He's quiet which is never a good sign.

Quietly we followed the maid up the grand stairs to the second floor, the very last door was the king's chambers. I had never been here so it all looked new to me. I stare up at the gold french doors with lions and roses carved into the gold.

The maid opened the door walking in before us. Levi and I slowly walked in finding Kenny in a ghastly state. He laid there looking weak and very pale. His eyes barely open, he let out a few coughs before the maid helped him sit up. Slowly he drank his water after taking some medicine the maid had given him. When he caught sight of Levi he held out his hand to Levi.

Levi being his usual self declined the king's hand and stood there with a stoic expression. I heard another set of footsteps enter the room. Levi and I both turn our heads finding my duchess Petra with a bowl of water and a cloth. "Lady Petra, what are you doing here?" Levi asks.

"Helping Kenny," she answers.

Levi nodded slowly as he turned his attention back to Kenny who went into another coughing fit. "L-levi... you'll have to go to the monthly meeting this month." Kenny informs.

The monthly meeting was a meeting in the continent's capital Zesmeira. There in the capital city of Vithia we would go to Smith Keep to discuss news in the five other countries with the king of all countries King Erwin Smith. A respected war hero who was loved by everyone except the Kustians. Princess's and Prince's were able to attend as well to learn about what the meetings were for.

Levi let out a 'tch' and nodded silently. "Your highness... I'm afraid Kenny is dying, he can't keep much food down... he may only have a few days left to live...his fever won't go down and I've been told he has massive muscle aches." Petra informs him.

"Great... isn't there medicine for this crap?" Levi asks clearly upset with the results.

"The only thing I can think of is Vitraxime... but you can only find that in Kustea." Petra answers.

"This is fucking great." Levi sighs in frustration. Not only did we just get home but the thing we needed for the king to get better was all the way in Kustea, the place I so desperately wanted to avoid.

"I'll go... if I get there quickly then I should be back within a couple of days." I offer.

"No, you will stay here." Levi snaps.

"No, I'm going." I fight back.

"Tch, you're not going, I will go and get this shit... get my horse ready." Levi orders another servant.

He rushed out of the room as I followed behind him. "Who is going to protect you while you are on the road? Besides, I think it'll be safer if you rested for the night then leave in the morning." I argue.

"Kenny doesn't have much time... besides, I don't want Jean getting his hands on you." Levi snaps.

"He won't, not if I'm by your side," I call now standing watching him walk a little further. My words made him stop in his tracks. He turned to me a little shocked. Is he reconsidering it? He let out a sigh before turning to me completely.

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