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Chapter 23: Infiltrating A Group of Idiots

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A new day came to Ackman Castle. As of now, I was standing guard outside with Levi by my side waiting for the Duchess Rico to arrive. I already wanted this day to end and it has barely started.

I stood tall and kept my eyes forward keeping a straight face as Levi and I patiently waited at the top of the stairs. He and I watched as a white carriage with two tan horses pulled the carriage up to the front around the fountain stopping before the steps.

Moments later the driver stepped off and walked to the door opening it and holding his hand out to Rico.

Slowly she ascended the stairs before latching herself onto Levi's arm affectionately. Rolling my eyes I turn the other way. Big mistake Rico. "Good morning Duchess." Levi greets in a dull tone.

"Good morning, what are the plans for today?" she asks also in a dull tone. Watching them walk inside I follow, I felt uncomfortable seeing Rico be so close to Levi and him not pushing her away. It was a little heartbreaking realizing he would push me away and not some woman he's known for only five seconds. Sadly I look to the floor after realizing, maybe I was looking too deeply into things.

Shaking my head vigorously I rid of the thoughts for now and continue following the couple out into the courtyard. Levi led her over to the gazebo where they sat and drank tea together while I stood beside Levi as usual. They conversed and Rico laughed here and there while Levi sat there silently. "Levi, do you think you can dismiss your guard?" Rico asks.

Levi let out a small grunt before looking up at me. "You are permitted an hours rest...go," he orders.

Nodding silently I slowly walk away from the table and down the steps. Usually, if a woman had asked for my dismissal Levi would reject and come up with some sort of excuse. After stopping for a brief moment I shake my head once more and continue walking to wherever I wanted.

I found myself at another part of the courtyard with the gazebo still in sight. I sat on the bench surrounded by roses looking at the swimming fish. They were lucky they didn't have to worry about anything else other than eating and swimming. I sat there in deep thought feeling an awful sting in my chest.

Images of the previous night's actions with Levi came to mind. I tried to kiss him, it was the first kiss that I attempted to give him and yet he stopped me. Letting out a sad sigh I prop my arm on my knee and rest my head on the palm of my hand.

Why must he be so difficult? I only wish to be there for him... and- Then, another thing dawned on me, sitting up straight with a slightly confused expression. I realized I was slowly falling for the Prince of Aubern. I had tried so hard to fight it but at this point, there was no denying it that.

Slapping my face I bend over a bit. "No, no, no," I whispered repeatedly. It wasn't that Levi was a bad person it was just the fact that I was falling for someone who doesn't feel the same. It was stupid of me to be in love with someone who didn't love me back.

Nope, this isn't happening, I need to suppress my feelings. Crossing my arms I sat up, then I felt a finger tap at my shoulder. Startled I jump a bit and look back. Placing one hand over my racing heart I find a fellow guard. "Oh, it's just you Moblit." I sigh.

"Sorry if I've frightened you.... I wanted to speak with you privately," he says.

Scooting over I nod and let him sit with me. "What is it?" I ask.

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