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Chapter 28: Never Said Goodbye

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A few days had passed since Levi had been released from the infirmary, he was doing much better and getting back to work. Everything was back to normal, or so it seemed.

I still had waited for news of my father, hoping Petra was there now tending to him I still waited for a letter. Waking up this morning in my own room I lay there in my bed. I had gotten up late only because Levi had told me to take it easy considering I had helped with his paperwork and tended to his other needs.

Laying there flat on my back my arms laid above my head. With a light knock at the door, I sit up quickly pulling at my stitches. Hissing a bit I then turn my head to the door. "Come in," I say. I didn't want to get up just, yet laying back I watch the door slowly open. It was Levi.

Sitting back up I wince at the pain yet again. "Sorry if I woke you," he says.

"No, it's fine I was up," I say.

Stepping into my room he shut the door behind himself, walking further into my room he stood next to the bed looking down at me. "Stitches pulling again?" he asks.

Nodding slightly I try to get comfortable again. Sitting on the edge of the bed he leaned back propping his left hand on the other side of my body. "Can I look? Just to be safe?" he asks, darting his gaze away he frowned at the floor with a slight blush.

Nodding I slowly sit up again. Turning on the bed I let my feet dangle off the side of the bed. Lightly he lifted the back of my shirt revealing the no longer covered wounds. His fingertips lightly grazed my damaged flesh, it sent chills down my spine. "They haven't ripped so that's good," he says.

"Yeah but they hurt like hell when I bend a certain way," I say.

"Maybe the stitches are too tight," Levi suggests

"Yeah, but it would be a hassle getting them restitched," I answer.

"Well, if you keep pulling at them it will make it worse... come with me," he says. Standing up from my bed he extended his hand down to me. Standing up with his hand in mine I wondered if he'd still look at me the same way after finding out my secret. I knew I had to tell him soon, but I was slightly scared to find out his reaction whether he'd get mad and feel hurt or maybe wouldn't care.

Following him out of my room he led me down to the infirmary where he told the nurses of my situation of having my stitches to tight and demanded them to fix it.

Laying on my stomach I endured the pain of them taking out the stitches and re-doing their job they should have done correctly the first time. Levi sat next to me keeping his eyes locked on mine. I wondered if Levi would ever accept his feelings for me and soon tell me what he sees in me.

He had been so kind to me since finding out what I had done, it's almost hard to believe he couldn't be falling for me. Even before then there were moments when he'd show his more kind, soft side to him. "If something like this happens again... don't go punishing yourself so harshly," he says.

"What if I deserve it?" I ask.

"Then, find a more suitable punishment, like cleaning... not something that can physically harm you... do you understand?" he asks in a serious tone.

Nodding slightly I look to the floor. "Good then... once these ladies are finished meet me in my office, I wish to discuss something personal matters with you."

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